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Concrete Semantics is yet another book that looks very good that I want to read someday but haven't. So I don't know if it says anything about either time or space complexity. I believe I learned about using a fuel parameter in an old Edward Yang blog post (http://ezyang.com/) but I don't have a direct link.

Jeff Okasaki's well known book "Purely Functional Data Structures" (highly recommended) does some complexity analyses of operations on functional data structures. They're not formalized but maybe they could be.

I've read and worked through Concrete Semantics and I cannot recall any complexity proofs. It's mostly about program semantics, static analysis, abstract interpretation and type/effect systems.

I’m finishing up Concrete Semantics right now. No mention of time complexity that I saw, but even without that it’s become one of my top programming books of all time.

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