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That's a question for the underlying allocator, surely?

(Quite often the answer is "it isn't")

Not just for the allocator. I always thought a main point of a garbage collector was heap compactification (shuffling things around so there is more space), but maybe I am wrong.

Nah, only copying / generational collectors do heap compactification. A simple Mark&Sweep collector doesn't, for example. Nor does reference counting. Both of which are used by many Lisp or Lisp-like languages.

Nothing can substitute for a really good allocator.

So what happens to long running lisp programs? Running out of memory due to fragmentation eventually?

One would expect at least a provision for a stop the world phase. where all mutator threads get to wait for a massive defragmentation.

Not every GC has compaction phase though, but generational ones do by design.

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