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> It's likely this goes against the Charter […]

How is it against the Charter†? Airlines, to take one example, are federally regulated: so if there's a new regulation that says to fly you have to have been vaccinated, how is that stepping on provincial jurisdiction?

A list of federally-regulated industries:

* https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/workplace/federally-r...

† Charter of Rights and Freedoms, for non-Canadians.

> Further, you get nothing back for complying.

How about reducing the probability of using up an ICU bed by a substantial margin? In many places (in CA and US), out of 100 ICU beds often >95 are taken up by the non-vaccinated. In some places 100% of new admissions are the unvaccinated:

* https://www.660citynews.com/2021/09/23/alberta-covid-icu-adm...

* https://globalnews.ca/news/8215655/alberta-coronavirus-updat...

Yes, you can still get COVID after vaccination, but not dying seems to me to be not "nothing".

And it's not like other illness have stopped: the unvaccinated are using beds that could also be needed for people who've had (e..g) heart attacks.

But this isn't an argument about not being vaccinated, this is an argument about mandates and passports, and conflating them is the histrionic authoritarian problem.

While we're not going to litigate the charter federally in an HN thread, the separate provincial privacy laws about health information and consent apply to patients as individuals, and just because you're flying between them doesn't remove your rights. They are different from the charter issue, but there are still avenues for challenge.

Even taking the data at face value, blaming "the unavaccinated," as an outgroup has nothing to do with passports, and everything to do with a petty, cowed, and propagandized population, whose apprehension of ethics and morality is on the level of a superstitious mob watching professional wrestling.

These are what makes the issue irreconcilable, and why all that is left is the law.

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