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I think that kids should be vaccinated despite having a significantly reduced risk profile (not “no danger”). I think this enough that my kids are participants in the Pfizer pediatric trial. I have seen no evidence that the vaccine presents a risk of short or long term sequelae that is greater than (or even close to equal to) the risk of complications from getting covid itself, and I’ve seen no evidence that there is any reason to believe that the vaccine presents risks that infection does not. In both cases, infection has a much greater risk profile than vaccination, even in low-risk populations. Given that calculus, I would rather my children not be immune naive when they eventually encounter the virus. The vaccine also appears to induce strong short-term sterilizing immunity and still lowers the risk of infection over the long term, which means that once vaccinated, my kids can more comfortably visit their high-risk grandparents (they have been, but vaccination makes this a lower-risk interaction going forward).

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