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> the Federal Government having the power to take away someone's source of income for their family if they don't take an experimental drug,

Cominarty is fully approved (its true that some products under EUA can also be used.)

It is also not, legally, a drug.

> Look at Florida, the most recent data shows they have some of the lowest infection/death rate despite never locking down and never forcing state wide mandates.

Out of 56 US states and territories, Florida has the seventh highest 7-day per capita death rate, over 1.5× the national rate; hardly “some of the lowest”.

It actually has a fairly low per capita newly-identified case rate, but that seems likely to be because the laxity of control measures is also making nonsevere cases less likely to be detected.


> Cominarty is fully approved (its true that some products under EUA can also be used.)

Only you can't get it anywhere and BioNTech is considered legally distinct, so there's no available FDA approved vaccine at this time. Try calling Pfizer.

> Only you can't get it anywhere and BioNTech is considered legally distinct

Which is interesting for some very esoteric legal reasons, but even to the extent that a formulation only allowed for non-investigatory use under an EUA rather than normal approval might approximately be said to be “experimental” (which is a fairly weak argument itself), the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, which is an identical formulation to the fully-approved Cominarty, but legally distinct because packaging is legally significant in drugs and biologics, would still not be “experimental”.

Legally distinct is not the same as chemically/biologically distinct.

We can't really know. Some of the proprietary ingredients are still unknown

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