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To be fair, he said he'd do this during the election a couple weeks ago, and got reelected. Still a minority government, but honestly the same result as the last election.

Canadians are, for the most part, okay with these restrictions.

We are not okay with them, but our inability to organize and vote against them appears to show we deserve them.

If you wanted to make a generalization about Canadians and our view of our politicians, it's that we can't stop cringing long enough to mobilize an effective movement to change them out. It's a national paralysis of cringe, and at this point it's probably by design.

> We are not okay with them

> If you wanted to make a generalization

You made a generalization. I'm okay with them.

100% this. Trudeau was upfront about doing this and was rewarded with basically no change. Nobody should disapprove of Trudeau doing this, this is the will of Canadians.

To be fair, the far left peoples party was the only party who stood up for freedom. This gained them nearly a million more votes. The NDP picked up ~120,000 more votes compared to last election, but otherwise all other parties lost votes. Liberals and Cons lost about half million votes each.

Yes, the people party gains were heavy in the hippie anti-vaxxer far-left stoner category, but there's nothing wrong with that. The problem was their stance on defunding the media. It made the media the enemy and the media smeared them with massive lies calling them nazis, white supremacists, and far right. Which is absolutely false but here we are.

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