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>A free open source tool exists for you to use if it suits your needs.

I do not believe that webpack suits my needs, it is in my opinion incredibly inferior to Gulp. So Gulp suits my needs.

Nonetheless I have had to basically use nothing but webpack for the last 5-6 years unless I do something for myself! Why is that?

Well it turns out that when I go to work at some place they have set up everything with webpack, why? Well that's what everybody else does, nothing we can do about it now. Hardly anyone in the real world only uses tools because they suit their needs, they use the tools that have been chosen by someone else.

Ok, so then something goes wrong with webpack build, anyone at the place know the depths of webpack and how every different plugin/module is screwed together - nope, we use webpack here but have no webpack experts - so they spend some days fixing things. Or even worse we want something that there is no webpack solution for that we can find - either we need to fix it ourselves with a plugin / module / fork of plugin module we want to extend (after asking fruitlessly on StackOverflow if someone knows) or we have to do a horrible hack to fix it.

I am sure there are some webpack experts out there who take minutes to fix problems they encounter in webpack, but my experience is that a webpack problem any more complex than we don't have a plugin for that file extension seems to require a developer day to fix (not just me as the developer, other developers always seem to take the same amount of time).

now before someone jumps in and cleverly changes my complaints to use Gulp instead of webpack (if you weren't thinking of doing this you can stop reading now) - can you point out to having a similar experience with gulp? Because I can't, and if I wanted to write a gulp plugin (which I have done twice) it was insanely easy because all you have to do is to understand vinyl streams and that's it; everything in Gulp has the same model of how things work - that really speeds up problem solving time.

Choosing tools based on what other people are doing instead of based on understanding your needs is so endemic in the industry it's not even funny. It's not even the juniors that do it. People labeled "senior software engineers" do this.

I'm still not understanding the problem. If webpack doesn't suit your needs then don't use it. If your employer's technical leadership picks technologies based on fashion rather than suitability for the problem that's not a failure of the technology, that same problem surrounds literally every popular technology irrespective of its technical properties.

Are you serious? Here's how you sound to me:

My poop is on the street. If you like it, you can use it. If you don't like, don't use it. What's your problem? If someone shoves my poop down your throat and you don't like it, that's not a failure of my poop. That's a failure of human relationships.

Your analogy is laughably absurd. Poop on the street is a public health hazard, someone shoving poop down your throat is assault. Comparing such things to free open-source software is borderline trolling.

Isn't it great that you can refute any analogy by finding a literal difference between the analogy and thing being explained?

Isn't it great that you can defend any bad analogy with a reply that no analogy is perfect? Your analogy makes no sense at all.

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