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Well, seems you are pretty wrong[1].

There's plenty of highly educated people that respect both science and engineering, but do not support mandatory COVID vaccines for a plethora of reasons.

[1] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-09/southwest...

Your appeal to authority reminded me of when "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" managed to sucker me into believing their conspiracy theories when I was in undergrad.

The name of that organization reminds me of the covid19 conspiracy theorists/antivaxxers at "America's Frontline Doctors". Turns out you can just name an organization anything you want to make it appear legit. Time to sign up for some horse paste ordered via internet!


Do you realize that the "horse paste" meme was launched directy after Joe Rogan got Covid and cured himself by taking Ivermectine? Makes you think, doesn't it?

One, I think your timeline is wrong (Rogan got it early Sept. [1] but even the FDA was making "you're not a horse" jokes in late August [2]), and two, just because Rogan took it and got better doesn't mean it's what cured him (I believe he took multiple medications/treatments and most people his age recover from COVID regardless)

[1] https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/01/media/joe-rogan-covid/index.h... [2] https://twitter.com/US_FDA/status/1429050070243192839

Nothing in that link contradicts anything the OP said. It has no statistics for pilot vaccination rates, and OP never said anything about mandatory vaccines, commenting only on the likely number of pilots who had already received a vaccine.

There are two different issues at play here: whether someone has gotten the vaccine themselves, and whether someone supports making it mandatory. The person you replied to was talking about the former, you appear to have misunderstood it as the latter.

OP > Anecdotally I don't know a single licensed pilot who is antivaccine. They generally all have a high degree of respect for science and engineering. The idea that masses of southwest pilots suddenly decided to "sick out" to protest a vaccine mandate is laughable

My link shows this simply is untrue. The pilot's own union was seeking to block the mandate - just because you are a pilot doesn't mean you're down with mandating vaccines for employment.

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