I started getting annoyed with Word when it couldn't even force the caret to black when typing. Watch your caret, it's flashing, now type and it stays black.
If a "Word Processor" can't even manage such a basic thing, it's lost the plot. I think this was likely Word 6.0 that did this, and was also about where they brought the Mac and PC code-bases into alignment, though others may know better.
Word 2.0 on Windows is for sure my favorite PC version, after the 'just right' Word 5.1 on the Mac.
If a "Word Processor" can't even manage such a basic thing, it's lost the plot. I think this was likely Word 6.0 that did this, and was also about where they brought the Mac and PC code-bases into alignment, though others may know better.
Word 2.0 on Windows is for sure my favorite PC version, after the 'just right' Word 5.1 on the Mac.