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(Not a lisp guy).

What is an image and why would I want to run one? My best guess is that an image would be platform independent bytecode vs compiled executable?

It's a dump of the state of the run-time environment, including data. Probably the easiest use case is using it as a savegame feature when you're working in the REPL.

It's not necessarily portable. Some lisps will use machine-independent bytecode, others use native code. I'm not sure which one Janet does.

I think of it as one of the defining features of Smalltalk, not Lisp, although there is plenty of cross-pollination.


Janet's object system seems to be modeled after ideas first popularized in the Self language -- a Smalltalk derivative -- so there could be some direct inspiration there.


Lisp systems had it first, specially Lisp Machines, that is where Smalltalk got its idea from.

Xerox PARC was pursuing three workstation based OSes in parallel, based on Lisp, Smalltalk and Mesa (later evolved into Cedar).

So the ideas regarding images, REPL with typo suggestions, OS wide debugging, code browser,.... were available across them all.

LISP I from 1960.


page 67: SET card

'...the state of the memory as it stands is read out onto tape 8 as the new "base" image for the memory...'

Damn, why don't we have programming environments with such capabilities today? (the kind @pjmlp mentioned "images, REPL with typo suggestions, OS wide debugging, code browser", etc." and so on)

Not in the @pjmlp kind of availability ("Why you say that? There's this commercial language envinronment from a company in rural Austria that all of 100 companies use and all of 1000 people ever heard of that gives you exactly that! A 2-person department in the basement, right across the toilets in Jane Street uses it for something. And somebody made a weather balloon controller with it. Plus some mid-90s research team had this in some research language that has these features, that over 10K students have installed!").

Not even in the Pharo, SBCL, etc. kind of availability.

It would nice to have it in the "competes with Java, C#, Python, Javascript, PHP" or at least Go and Rust, for popularity, adoption, libraries, websites and sources devoted to it, job opportunities, vendor support, enterprise adoption, and such" kind of availability...

Because those features cost money to develop, and plenty of developers nowadays want to be paid, while refusing to pay for the work of others.

So you get what is possible with long nights, weekends and abandoned university thesis after graduation, instead.

>Because those features cost money to develop, and plenty of developers nowadays want to be paid, while refusing to pay for the work of others.

Yes, but v8, Grail, the JVM, .NET takes lots of money to develop as well. Even Swift (despite Apple being stingy, so that is probably just a 5 person team force-fed Jolt Cola) costs a lot. But companies seem to pay for those, but not for those other styles/features.

To be frank, even if we had this technology, but it was a closed source, proprietary affair, I wouldn't want it anyway. That's another must-have feature in 2021 - and it's not just about "not wanting to pay" (I pay for IDEA subscription, for example). It's about what such a license would mean for corporate adoption, ability to tinker with it, reliance on a single vendor, and so on.

My take is that this feature is fundamentally at odds with how most programming languages work.

For starters, I think that it's probably no accident that you generally only see these image-based development features in dynamically typed languages. For image-based development to make sense, you really want to have long-lived interactive sessions. In Smalltalk, they are effectively endless, and can span multiple decades and branch among thousands of people. In a static language, though, you've got an incentive to keep your interactive sessions short and do most of your development outside of it, because code changes inside the interactive session can lead to weird chicken-and-egg problems.

Second, there are some real ergonomic challenges. It's easy to get into a state where what you're doing isn't reproducible, because there's not necessarily any paper trail on how to rebuild the current state from scratch. This is a famous criticism of Microsoft Excel - arguably the world's most widely used fully interactive development environment along these lines - and a major reason why a major project at of one of my previous jobs was to replace one department's suite of heavily scripted Excel spreadsheets and replace it with a C# application. The company was rightly concerned that they were one file corruption away from a major business disruption. Similar criticisms, albeit on a less operatic scale, are often leveled against Jupyter notebooks, which aren't quite the same thing, but to retain many relevant features.

> … there's not necessarily any paper trail on how to rebuild the current state from scratch.

Yes there is!

"As you define and modify classes or methods, Smalltalk/V is logging all of these changes to the change log.

Every Smalltalk expression that you evaluate with either do it or show it is also logged. In addition, every time you remove a method from a class, a message is logged."

p282 "Automatic Logging of Changes"


> For image-based development to make sense, you really want to have long-lived interactive sessions.

Not really — most people get into a dreadful mess when they try to do that.

For most people, it works better to version and export discrete change-sets.

It makes sense to be able to save the state of your work, go to lunch, and pick up in exactly the same place when you come back.

It makes sense to be able to save the state of your work, go home, and pick up in exactly the same place when you come back the next day.

> Damn, why don't we have programming environments with such capabilities today?

Do you use any of the image based programming environments that we do have? Pharo? VM Smalltalk?

When folks run emacs, they aren’t actually starting it entirely from scratch. They are booting up a similar “image”, which allows for much faster startup.

The lack of image support is what prevents Clojure from competing on startup time (but see also grallvm and babashka)

There are also the JIT caches on HotSpot, OpenJ9 and Azul.

R for example allows to save state on exit. I wish R supported an alternative lispy syntax.

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