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Ubiquity tutorial: Command-line web plugin for Firefox (wiki.mozilla.org)
13 points by soundsop on Aug 27, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I just went through the tutorial and I really like the interface. I think it's really well done and I will likely use it heavily. The interface is very hacker-intuitive, especially if you are used to using shell commands.

In fact, I think that this sort of interface applied to shell commands (and vim) would be a really useful improvement.

Something slightly related: YubNub, social command-line for the web


And also: Firefox keyword searches


Is there a roadmap somewhere? Seems like there's lots of obvious improvements that could be added. For example, chaining so you can "highlight and email to ..." (or "highlight | email to ..." if you prefer)

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