You could bake the points into the tiles and then have a web service that answers requests on mouse clicks i.e. when a user clicks one of the points, you send the coordinates to the server and the server determines if there's a point (or multiple) nearby and sends back the related attributes.
You'd also add some rate limiting on the server-side so that someone couldn't easily request from your server all attributes for point 0,0 then 0,1 then 0,2 etc.
If someone was very determined to break this, they could make a screenshot and manually triangulate each point (depending how many there are -- if you're hiding 10 points, don't bother. If it's 1k or more, that'd be harder to do manually) or even use computer vision/pixel color thresholding to extract points (say, red pixels). Same thing for the attributes, they could always use different IP addresses to break any IP-based rate limit.
In response to that, you could force users to authentify (and use recaptcha during signup) to minimize the IP-rotation problem.
Love this idea, great way to have a raster be interactive without keeping point coordinates client-side. I do assume that someone very motivated and knowledgeable will always find a way to scrape it, I just have to make it hard enough that it's not worth the hassle over just buying the (reasonably priced) product. Thank you
You'd also add some rate limiting on the server-side so that someone couldn't easily request from your server all attributes for point 0,0 then 0,1 then 0,2 etc.
If someone was very determined to break this, they could make a screenshot and manually triangulate each point (depending how many there are -- if you're hiding 10 points, don't bother. If it's 1k or more, that'd be harder to do manually) or even use computer vision/pixel color thresholding to extract points (say, red pixels). Same thing for the attributes, they could always use different IP addresses to break any IP-based rate limit.
In response to that, you could force users to authentify (and use recaptcha during signup) to minimize the IP-rotation problem.