For simple monoliths it's a non-CI method plus scp, for infrastructure-only it's SaltStack and Terraform. For something where the DevOps part is the deliverable, it can go wild pretty fast: GitLab CI with various CI steps (static analysis, building, unit tests, integration tests, browser tests, blob storage of the result), then CD steps depend on what it is that was built; docker images just get pushed to a registry and another async job listens for pushes and does the deploy in Fargate or Kubernetes. For some jobs with larger needs you get into ArgoCD and Kubernetes resource deployments that way.
Essentially it depends on the zoom level:
Zoomed in to the max: just a or makefile, optionally called by a CI or IDE of your choice so the building is exactly the same no matter what invoked it.
Zoomed out a little: the results of the build need to end up somewhere, sometimes a step in between like a package registry, docker image registry etc.
Zoomed out to level 3: once the deployment gets actually done, the runtime itself is responsible for checking for database migrations, locks, maintenance mode, so that has to be part of the startup. If it's a multi-instance workload it depends on database migrations if there has to be downtime.
Zoomed out to level 4: if it also needs to deploy 'other things', like rules and records to Cloudflare, resources in AWS, resources in K8S and even update some stuff in buckets or DynamoDB, that requires some orchestration and DSL like Terraform, SaltStack, Ansible and application-specific CD like ArgoCD or Flux or even just the aws cli tools to trigger a refresh.
Customer decides how much money they want to spend and that scopes what zoom level they get. Usually depends on how many developers or ops people they have themselves and how involved they want to be and what continuity or guarantees they are looking for. The only thing that is not optional is that everything has to be in Git. If a customer doesn't want that, they cannot be my customer. I'm done living in the 90's.
For simple monoliths it's a non-CI method plus scp, for infrastructure-only it's SaltStack and Terraform. For something where the DevOps part is the deliverable, it can go wild pretty fast: GitLab CI with various CI steps (static analysis, building, unit tests, integration tests, browser tests, blob storage of the result), then CD steps depend on what it is that was built; docker images just get pushed to a registry and another async job listens for pushes and does the deploy in Fargate or Kubernetes. For some jobs with larger needs you get into ArgoCD and Kubernetes resource deployments that way.
Essentially it depends on the zoom level:
Zoomed in to the max: just a or makefile, optionally called by a CI or IDE of your choice so the building is exactly the same no matter what invoked it.
Zoomed out a little: the results of the build need to end up somewhere, sometimes a step in between like a package registry, docker image registry etc.
Zoomed out to level 3: once the deployment gets actually done, the runtime itself is responsible for checking for database migrations, locks, maintenance mode, so that has to be part of the startup. If it's a multi-instance workload it depends on database migrations if there has to be downtime.
Zoomed out to level 4: if it also needs to deploy 'other things', like rules and records to Cloudflare, resources in AWS, resources in K8S and even update some stuff in buckets or DynamoDB, that requires some orchestration and DSL like Terraform, SaltStack, Ansible and application-specific CD like ArgoCD or Flux or even just the aws cli tools to trigger a refresh.
Customer decides how much money they want to spend and that scopes what zoom level they get. Usually depends on how many developers or ops people they have themselves and how involved they want to be and what continuity or guarantees they are looking for. The only thing that is not optional is that everything has to be in Git. If a customer doesn't want that, they cannot be my customer. I'm done living in the 90's.