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Vaccine mandates aren't new. You weren't protesting them 3 years ago, but now you are willing to take the side of 3.5 million members of the community slowly dying so you don't have to get a shot. Your persecution complex is out of control.

The absurdity of peoples' accusations of world-ending authoritarianism and censorship is baffling.

lets mandate a dubiously efficacious product for a problem we created...

You had to use a throwaway to spread your disinformation.

Vaccine mandates aren't new.

No. But mandating a brand new vaccine is new. We don’t know what the long term effects are. Nothing about COVID or the way in which tyrants around the world are using it to seize new powers is normal.

People at the FDA are resigning left and right [1]. Nobody wants their name on this thing.

[1] https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/09/anger-frustration-at...

Two people resigned: One went left, and one went right.


Your comment has been flagged, but beyond that, I said nothing about being hesitant about the vaccine. I am vaccinated. I believe the mandates are flawed, largely because they don't take natural immunity into account. I have said none of the things you're accusing me of saying.


We've banned this account—you can't post like this regardless of how wrong someone else is or you feel they are.


I flagged that comment for wishing me and my children dead, and this one for calling me a "dumbfuck". And nothing I have posted is FUD, nor is it anti-vaccine.

Please don't respond to a bad comment by breaking the site guidelines yourself. That only makes things worse.


which brand new rushed vaccine was being mandated 3 years ago?

How many years, and how many people have to die while going from 99% to 99.9% sure of a vaccine's safety, before you would say it's safe? In your professional opinion as an epidemiologist?

You didn’t answer the question.

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