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No, my vaccination protect me. They are not threat to me once I have been vaccinated, the data and science show this fact.

There is no reason for a vaccinated person to view an unvaccinated person as a threat.

* Vaccination is not 100% effective

* Vaccinated people do still spread the infection, albeit to a smaller degree

* Some people cannot be vaccinated, and for others it's less effective

For the above reasons, it's beneficial to me and society at large if as many people as possible are vaccinated.

>>Vaccination is not 100% effective

Nothing is, but my risk from COVID post vaccination is less than other society risks we accept as normal risks of living in a free society, for example my risk of dying in an auto accident is many times greater than my risk from COVID post vaccination

>> Vaccinated people do still spread the infection, albeit to a smaller degree

I am not sure how this statement is relative to question on if an unvaccinated person poses a risk to me to the point where we must violate their body autonomy for forcibly inject them with a medication against their will

>>Some people cannot be vaccinated, and for others it's less effective

While true, this means those people should take additional risk mitigation, this however is NOT a justification for vaccine mandates, not in my view. These people should wear N95 Masks, take extra pro cations and be extra vigilant about social distancing and/or going to large public events.

>>For the above reasons, it's beneficial to me and society at large if as many people as possible are vaccinated.

Sure, but that is not what is being debated. The question is do those reasons justify the use of force,threats, and ultimately government violence to forcibly inject people.

I say no.

No one has suggested forcibly injecting anyone. But sure, not allowing people who aren’t vaccinated to participate in all facets of society can be construed as a type of force. Unlike you I see that as reasonable.

All government action and regulations are back by the threat of violence. This is an irrefutable fact, since the is the way government enforces their actions. Sure the first stage maybe masked in the guise of non-violence in the form of fine or other punishments but underlying all of that is the fact that if you resist a person with a gun will show up to force your compliance

Your are correct that I do not find the small risk vaccinated person's have from an unvaccinated person to be at a level to justify mandates as reasonable

>not allowing people who aren’t vaccinated to participate in all facets of society can be construed as a type of force.

"Not allowing" - how are you going to "not allow" without using force of some sort?

Yes, there’s force backing those prohibitions (I literally mention that in the sentence you quoted), but what I wrote was that no one is talking about forcefully injecting anyone. You can decline the vaccine, parts of the rest of society just won’t allow you to interact with them. But if you’re the type to value your negative liberty that much, I’m sure you can manage without?

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