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over 1 in 500 Americans have died of COVID-19. The US has 4.25% of the world's population but 14% of the total deaths. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-covid-19-death-toll-hits...


That would mean that 60% to 65% of those that died were not obese!

Just FYI, the CDC says that about 42% of American adults are classified as "obese".

You are understating the dangers of obesity. It is a critical risk factor for COVID-19.


the people dying/hospitalized from covid are overwhelmingly obese. a quick google search will prove this easily.

covid mortalities are not a 1:1 mapping with obese/not obese.

> the people dying/hospitalized from covid are overwhelmingly obese

Do you have a source for this claim other than "just google it"?

This assumes that COVID-19 deaths are equally distributed across the entire population, regardless of obesity. Without evidence, it is not accurate to assume this equal distribution.

Nor is there evidence for the claim that the so-called "obese" (as measured by the flawed and worthless BMI standard https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=106268...) are dying disproportionately. Calling it the fault of the "obese" is just another way of deflecting blame from the criminally selfish and incompetent behavior of the previous administration and leaders in states like Idaho, Texas, Tennessee, and Florida.

That number is probably derived from BMI. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=106268...

America is a fat nation, there is absolutely no number trickery involved. Visiting Italy for a week highlighted exactly how bad it is here.

That's very subjective and anecdotal, and no doubt reflects a huge selection bias. Why not compare with Kuwait, which has a similar rate of so-called "obesity", but has a lower rate of COVID-19 than many US states?

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