If Microsoft was a person it would be a psychopath: befriend you for economic benefits and crush you when that is the more convenient option.
It's a private company who has actively pursued monopoly by buying its way into the educational system and strongarming any competition in the OEM off the shelf OS market, literally making it damn near impossible to avoid it.
It's goddamn scary how the public sector seems to believe Windows, Word or Excel are the only professional alternatives and are necessary for society to function. Why aren't we writing in LaTeX or R on Linux? Because a very powerful market force has bought the truth and will embrace or extinguish any sane opposition.
Fuck Microsoft and fuck Bill Gates. They are evil.
If Microsoft was a person it would be a psychopath: befriend you for economic benefits and crush you when that is the more convenient option.
It's a private company who has actively pursued monopoly by buying its way into the educational system and strongarming any competition in the OEM off the shelf OS market, literally making it damn near impossible to avoid it.
It's goddamn scary how the public sector seems to believe Windows, Word or Excel are the only professional alternatives and are necessary for society to function. Why aren't we writing in LaTeX or R on Linux? Because a very powerful market force has bought the truth and will embrace or extinguish any sane opposition.
Fuck Microsoft and fuck Bill Gates. They are evil.