I am not even a professional. I am an uneducated French house-husband in his late 30s. For some reason I have always been considered a "geek / nerd" by my surrounding but I did not really work in "tech" that much except for some web developpement gigs. One of my last job was forklift driver.
I believe I am not part of the typical HN demographic.
I like to create things that involve programming.
I love and follow the demoscene since I'm sixteen. I guess reading HN came naturally.
edit: precision and apologies. I know my English is not that great and I am sorry for that. that is also why I don't comment that much. But I do read a lot.
Your English is great. I too follow the demo scene and got hooked on a JS1K thread on HN several years ago, and stayed since then. I like how the top rated comment isn't the lowest hanging fruit, which seems to be the case on every other internet forum.
edit: precision and apologies. I know my English is not that great and I am sorry for that. that is also why I don't comment that much. But I do read a lot.