Conceptually, no, as others have said. The various RPC protocols- some of which can be inefficiently layered on top of HTTP- are FFIs.
FFIs are conceptually simple- call and response on the wire with a schema ABI.
The conceptual model for HTTP is much more complex. It is for synchronizing portions of a collection of data models between two systems.
HTTP includes expectations for an extensible set of data types that may be transferred, as wholes or in parts. These data types have identities and a variety of encodings and representations, and they may occasionally be taxonomically relocated, or may disappear altogether.
HTTP includes a robust caching layer and support for both transactional and streaming interactions.
In HTTP/2 it allows the client to request many data types at the same time and for the server to optimize for delivery even for elements the client has not yet requested but the server knows it will need.
The acronym REST- Representational State Transfer- captures the conceptual goal for the HTTP protocol. A client/server system has complex state on both sides, and needs a protocol that is aware of the complexities of transferring that state. It is much richer and deeper than FFI.
FFIs are conceptually simple- call and response on the wire with a schema ABI.
The conceptual model for HTTP is much more complex. It is for synchronizing portions of a collection of data models between two systems.
HTTP includes expectations for an extensible set of data types that may be transferred, as wholes or in parts. These data types have identities and a variety of encodings and representations, and they may occasionally be taxonomically relocated, or may disappear altogether.
HTTP includes a robust caching layer and support for both transactional and streaming interactions.
In HTTP/2 it allows the client to request many data types at the same time and for the server to optimize for delivery even for elements the client has not yet requested but the server knows it will need.
The acronym REST- Representational State Transfer- captures the conceptual goal for the HTTP protocol. A client/server system has complex state on both sides, and needs a protocol that is aware of the complexities of transferring that state. It is much richer and deeper than FFI.