>"We need to dispel the myth that Silicon Valley engineers are working for health insurance."
The OP was referring to US companies in general not FAANG companies, which are outliers by many measures. If you read the sentence before the one your quoting it provides the context:
"By comparison employment in the US is messed up enough that if you leave your job you lose your health insurance."
Also smaller companies generally pay significantly more per employee than a megacorp does. And this is the amount one assumes when COBRA kicks in. Also for 10K I'm guessing you have an individual plan and are not covering family dependents which would also add significantly to the premium.
The OP was referring to US companies in general not FAANG companies, which are outliers by many measures. If you read the sentence before the one your quoting it provides the context:
"By comparison employment in the US is messed up enough that if you leave your job you lose your health insurance."
Also smaller companies generally pay significantly more per employee than a megacorp does. And this is the amount one assumes when COBRA kicks in. Also for 10K I'm guessing you have an individual plan and are not covering family dependents which would also add significantly to the premium.