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Additional related articles where a lot of this was sourced (3 of them sourced from each other):


Unredacted AT&T Filing Shows $3.8B Price Tag

By Maisie Ramsay Thursday, August 11, 2011



AT&T Letter Damages Case For T-Mobile Acquisition

Rue Liu, Aug 12th 2011



AT&T’s “Ooops” Damages Their Biggest Argument In Favor Of T-Mobile Takeover

By David, Managing Editor August 12, 2011 4:10 pm EST


Is the leaked document available anywhere? I'd love to read it for myself. I'm searching for it, but as yet it eludes me.

Wasn't $3.8 billion around the amount the AT&T has to pay T-Mobile if the merger fails to go through?

I think so, but I don't see how the two amounts would logically be related, so I presume that is a coincidence.

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