When you invest work into a code-base that depends on something like .NET, you are taking up some stake in the community and ownership of that base. You do need at the very least security updates, but you also need support and documentation. It's hard to describe fully in words. And most of the time, you can't just switch that particular part of your stack overnight. I'd rather be stuck with a community that looks healthy.
And you can argue about the trade-offs of different "ownership structures", and compare for example the .NET foundation over the Django/Python foundation over whatever Java is currently doing.
Do not worry. .NET is a good choice independent of this hickup. The maintainer will change their foundation backing and the .NET Foundation will serve its original purpose: owning the core .NET runtime so AWS, Google, Samsung and Microsoft can take save bets on it.
JavaScript had it nodejs drama, Perl its community drama, Swift it's drop of support from IBM, the Linux Kernel has Linus, etc. They are still there and strong.
Well, I would never choose .NET if I had any choice. It's much too verbose and is dominated in terms of productivity by many other frameworks/ecosystems. Some people seem to enjoy it, and more power to them, but if I ask, they often haven't done much of anything else.
Hm, the reason I am still in .NET is that whenever I try to move to something else, the productivity suffers immeasurably:
- Most of the stuff outside of .NET, Java pair suffers from lack of refactoring tools, and are therefore unsuitable for sufficiently large projects. The exceptions are TypeScript (which is OKish, but lacks performance) and Go (which is tailored for web dev and has a few major drawbacks as programming language).
- Most non-dynamic languages apart from .NET, Java, and C++ have very limited debuggers.
And you can argue about the trade-offs of different "ownership structures", and compare for example the .NET foundation over the Django/Python foundation over whatever Java is currently doing.