Yeah but do you really think they didn't choose that acronym, with that upper case Q with no intention to make people think they were OLEDs/similar to OLEDS.
Manufacturers only started calling LCDs with LED backlights "LED TVs" when OLED tech started getting hyped up too. It's the same kind of bullshit marketing.
Actually, you're conveniently omitting a part of that history, which completely negates your point. First it was LCD and Plasma. Then Plasma went away completely, and you had fluorescent backlit LCD. What's the point of calling something LCD when it's all LCD? Was the Sony Trinitron called a CRT? No, it was called a Trinitron, because everything was CRT.
When LED started happening, it wasn't just a big backlight like the old gas backlit LCD. There were many LEDs, and they were selectively turned on or off to save energy and greatly improve contrast. Not just a dumb backlight like "LCD" in the days when it was competing with Plasma. So yes, LED, which provided the Luminance channel of the image, was a completely valid way to call it.
>LED backlights "LED TVs" when OLED tech started getting hyped up
well this is simply false. LED TVs came out over a decade before OLED TVs and were called LED TVs.
Since the Q applies to the LED, not the LCD part of the TV, QLED is exactly and the only proper way to call it.
It's the same kind of bullshit conspiracy theory as "covid is a hoax" and "the election was stolen." The QLED and LED name have zero to do with marketing. They literally describe the TV.
Quantum (dot) Liquid Crystal Display is an accurate description of the display technology, unless you think LED backlight is more important than the LCD tech that drives the pixels.
As much as I'd like everyone to be more honest in their marketing, I think it's a bridge too far to blame Samsung for how televisions have been marketed by all manufacturers and retailers alike for nearly two decades.