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I love HN but have watched for years as much in the community have completely missed the boat on crypto and blockchain. It's a strange disconnect...

A lot of people on HN seem to have 'strong opinions strongly held' about things.

Shrug whether or not they've missed the boat or are sanguine on the future of crypto and it's all a house-of-cards filled with hucksters doesn't matter. I just don't see why we need to beat this on the head over and over and over and over again, despite no new news. The anti-greenwashing is the one that really gets my blood boiling because of what a large distraction it is to real climate change issues.

This whole thing is just bringing the level of discourse here down, and I've been on HN for a long time.

"missed the boat" somewhat implies that blockchain technology is already being used for anything except the backing for pump-and-dump schemes and the punchline for jokes.

Unless you mean specifically "missed the opportunity to make lots of money", in which case sure, that's absolutely accurate, but if I wanted to gamble I'd just go to a casino.

And no one is going to change their mind at this point. People have far too much ego invested in their opinions of crypto now.

I'm in favor of a blanket ban on crypto discussion here. It's all noise at this point.

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