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Real question - why does it matter to you? If that's how people want to spend their time and money, and it makes them feel good, even if they look foolish, what does it matter to you?

I'm really bad at woodworking, but I do it a lot, and I've spent a crap load of money on it. Does that matter at all to anyone else in the world?

Our societies do regulate how people can spend their time and money in certain regards. I don't think that's necessarily wrong. Smoking is banned, some countries have labeling for unhealthy products, and so on. Things can end up affecting other people in the long run, so I don't think it's unreasonable to contemplate addressing stuff like this.

I think the main issues overall are encouraging parasocial relationships, and also the problem of selling sex to kids. I'm no prude but I think it raises some ethical questions when you have gaming content and sexual content in the same spot. If I had kids, that would matter to me.

Woodworking will leave you with skills, experience and a wider physical social circle at best or re-sellable tools and a story to tell at worst.

Simping is more like an alcohol consumption - damaging and the first step is acknowledging a problem exists, often through an intervention.

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