TpT is the go-to place for educators to find the resources, knowledge, and inspiration they need to teach at their best. We currently have over 7 million educators using our product and over 80% of teachers in the US alone are active on our site. Over the next 2-3 years, we'll literally be reinventing parts of education as teachers across the world increasingly embrace distance learning.
Right now we are focused on our recent launch of Easel by TpT; interactive, device-ready, digital tools to engage students. With Easel we are able to pair easy-to-use digital tools with the world's largest catalog of educator-created content. In addition, we're aiming to grow our Schools Subscription product to several thousand schools while taking our search, recommendation and personalization efforts to the next level.
If you’re passionate about supporting teachers and you believe technology is a great enabler of change and growth, come see if there’s a position that’s right for you. Click below for a full list of our open roles.
TpT is the go-to place for educators to find the resources, knowledge, and inspiration they need to teach at their best. We currently have over 7 million educators using our product and over 80% of teachers in the US alone are active on our site. Over the next 2-3 years, we'll literally be reinventing parts of education as teachers across the world increasingly embrace distance learning.
Right now we are focused on our recent launch of Easel by TpT; interactive, device-ready, digital tools to engage students. With Easel we are able to pair easy-to-use digital tools with the world's largest catalog of educator-created content. In addition, we're aiming to grow our Schools Subscription product to several thousand schools while taking our search, recommendation and personalization efforts to the next level.
If you’re passionate about supporting teachers and you believe technology is a great enabler of change and growth, come see if there’s a position that’s right for you. Click below for a full list of our open roles.