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Expanding that out. Epstein had lots of powerful friends, and I don't buy that Weinstein acted alone. Jerry Sandusky molested kids for decades, the administration of Penn State knew and did nothing.

The Taliban certainly has it faults but they don't allow boys to be raped under their watch. The US gave Afgan allies Viagra so that they may better do so.

It seems anywhere you have people with power, you also find child sexual abuse. I don't know why but it's consistent across time and cultures. Power corrupts is a fact as proven as gravity.

Nope the Taliban will only admit to raping girls, never boys. But of course it’s not “rape”, it’s “marriage” and everyone totally consented especially the parents of the kids who had guns to their heads as they signed the papers…

Of all the organizations that you could’ve used as comparison couldn’t you have found one with a better reputation?

I said they have their faults. I find it much worse that the western world enabled that behavior. We are supposed to be more enlightened. Soldiers are claiming to have PTSD from having to hear the screaming of little boys in the next room. That only happens if you know it's wrong. I don't blame the soliders however this was a foreign policy choice.

Joe Paterno did not molest kids. You are referring to Jerry Sandusky, the former assistant coach.

You are correct, my bad. I misremembered.

Any time conditions exist for someone who doesn't care about others to get what they want, that person will try to get what they want. That's not particularly insightful on its own. That's like the one-sentence synopsis of the entire field of critical theory. Go read Marx, or feminist theory, or critical race theory, or something. This fixation on child sexual abuse as an inevitable consequence of power seems like some weird right-wing conspiracy stuff, especially unironically using the words "The Taliban certainly has its faults but."

Taking my comment as right wing is interesting to me. Personally I have found that it transcends the left and right wing labels and applies generally to those in power, that is why I included things like sports and the Catholic Church was previously mentioned. Is it your observation that it occurs more in what you consider left wing organizations?

No, it's my observation that conspiracy theories about organized child sex abuse are largely a right-wing narrative. For example:

> QAnon (/ˌkjuː.əˈnɒn/) is a far-right conspiracy movement centered on false claims made by an anonymous individual or individuals, known by the name "Q", that a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles operate a global child sex trafficking ring


It plays into classic themes of degeneracy and a need to return to traditionalism, and is designed to shock and whip up passions among the family-values crowd.

But it's the comment about the Taliban that really showed your hand. The meme on the right is a grudging admiration for the Taliban because of their highly conservative social ideology; i.e. commitment to traditional gender roles, forbidding abortion, persecuting trans people, etc.

Hitler was a vegetarian atheist, ergo most vegans are Nazis? You should try to separate the idea from the mind who holds it. Calling me alt right because I've noticed that many powerful people where friendly with a convicted pedophile after his conviction does nothing to refute my argument.

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