Maybe it would pay to be more specific, since "MVC" can mean a lot of things. We have requests come into handlers, which map between wire and internal representations. They invoke controllers, which implement the business logic and call gateways and repositories. Repositories wrap storage clients and gateways wrap HTTP or gRPC clients.
Do you not do this? What do you do instead? I guess I can see how testing would be less painful with fewer layers, but at the cost of the production code becoming more entangled.
When I read MVC I guess I take it pretty literally, in that you would have packages named model/s, view/s, and controller/s. That's what I'm speaking to. Of course, abstractly, many programs tend to be structured in some kind of layering scheme that's MVC-ish :)
Do you not do this? What do you do instead? I guess I can see how testing would be less painful with fewer layers, but at the cost of the production code becoming more entangled.