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Metal and DirectX are based on C++, thankfully.

The exposed API for Metal is Obj-C, and the one for DirectX is using COM.

(for shaders, MSL is a C++ dialect, but HLSL isn't)

Thanks for being pedantic, none of them is C.

Pedantically, none of them are C++ either.

In which language are DirectX examples and SDK written on?

While not being based on C DirectX actually has a C API, even for D3D12. For example to call device->CreateRootSignature(...) from C you call ID3D12Device_CreateRootSignature(device, ...).

Because COM can be called from C, yet no sane people do it, unless they are trying to make a point no matter what.

There’s no shame in simply admitting one was mistaken.

I am not mistaken.

DirectX is a COM API, and although some masochits can make use of it from C, 99% of the world does not, including the official SDK.

Metal is a mix of Objective-C and C++, with Swift bindings thanks Objective-C interop.

None of them are C based like Khronos darlings.

I promise you the Vulkan C API is significantly cleaner.

Before or after dealing with the dynamic loading of all required extensions, validation layers, memory allocator (which AMD had to create a more user friendly wrapper) and initialization boilerplater?

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