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Central banks set the interest rates that regular banks base their rates at. I don't know how you would de-couple those relationships.

Inflation like what we had under the gold standard is bad, it leads to currency hoarding. Deflation is bad, as it leads to all sorts of bad effects. And minimal inflation can also be bad, as it leads to higher asset prices if the velocity is dropping.

I've been working through a thought experiment where we have a cryptocurrency that ensures that velocity stays constant. It does so by enforcing a tax on transactions, where you lock in a transaction to occur at a certain time in the future, but you can pay for it to occur sooner. The more we are taxing, the more we can ensure that the economy is doing well, the more the money supply is allowed to expand.

I'm also thinking that PoW is an extremely bad model, and I would prefer to work with their proof-of-weather, where weather is determined by a combination of many different weather trackers that we can prove occurred but are unable to predict much ahead of time.

It seems to be a good model, but there's still a lot to think about.

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