Lets get concrete and make a simple example State monad.
You have access to an extra variable S, with getS and setS, and each of those return values of our StateMonad.
Using these (and >>= aka bind) you can write something which increments the number in the state by one, yes?
increment = do s <- getS
setS (s+1)
and this increment is a value of our StateMonad.
This doesn't run on it's own though, it needs the "interpreter" to run the state monad, and put in a initial value of the state, and maybe take it out at the end.
That's the way you can think of Monads as interpreters in a very rough sense.
Now, you can do fancier things, where you can set up a "free monad", which is basically going to record everything into a syntax tree, and then you really have an interpreter.
You have access to an extra variable S, with getS and setS, and each of those return values of our StateMonad.
Using these (and >>= aka bind) you can write something which increments the number in the state by one, yes?
and this increment is a value of our StateMonad.This doesn't run on it's own though, it needs the "interpreter" to run the state monad, and put in a initial value of the state, and maybe take it out at the end.
That's the way you can think of Monads as interpreters in a very rough sense.
Now, you can do fancier things, where you can set up a "free monad", which is basically going to record everything into a syntax tree, and then you really have an interpreter.