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Then how come that 57% of Africa's population lacking any form of bank account.

... mainly things that aren't even fixable by cryptocurrency?

- Wars. Most people in warzones don't want to hold a bank account because it is very unreliable. Cryptocurrency won't solve that problem, in fact it will exacerbate the problem because of your phone or computer is damaged it's game over[1]. Also, how do you even transact when you don't have any form of communication?

- Actually don't have anything to bank on. Their money is just enough to survive, so they can't even bank, regardless of its form. Giving cryptocurrency is often a proposed solution, while forgetting that regular currency works fine too in these situations.

- Cultural differences. Most, to be honest, don't want to depart their money to someone they don't know. They were introduced to money just a generation or two ago, so they are relatively new here. Good luck convincing that cryptocurrency is trustworthy in a way that can be easily understand.

[1] I mean you could write them on paper, but that's really stretching it, mainly because you need a computer to execute transactions.

Because of non-technical reasons: like economical and political reasons.

Cryptocoins won't solve those issues, nor can they bypass them.

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