Thank you! I've seen this years ago, probably bookmarked it, but never gotten back to it. This should be its own HN submission.
EDIT: I've submitted it. Interestingly, it has been submitted before [1] but not generated any real discussion. I would think this is very relevant, and not often repeated, subject matter for a majority of HN readership.
>it has been submitted before [1] but not generated any real discussion
Side Note: Yea it's kinda weird, I also have seen this "phenomimom" a few times. Same story get submitted same "title/desc" zero or little discussions. Then BOOM next submit 100+ comments :)
EDIT: I've submitted it. Interestingly, it has been submitted before [1] but not generated any real discussion. I would think this is very relevant, and not often repeated, subject matter for a majority of HN readership.