I deposited some assets on Compound a year ago and I think I got the initial COMP airdrop
Does this make me eligible for this glitch? There wasnt anything in the UI suggesting so, but I can skip the frontend and use the smart contract directly, with hex or bytecode if necessary
and the claimComp(address, tokenAddresses[]) method
can be used, but its only if you supplied to some pools in the past and I'm not sure which pools. Someone told me TrueUSD but I haven't been able to confirm and I can't tell which claim transactions onchain are results of the glitch versus normal Compound UI behavior from normal users
so you would just make a transaction to the Compound Comptroller contract address with the hex data for that contract and method variables
unfortunately it seems like there are multiple Comptrollers and its a little expensive to play around with on mainnet, I might branch off and try a few transactions in a local environment so I don't waste gas trying to figure it out on mainnet. But I really just want to be able to tell and its weird how hard it is to find these details with all of this reporting. Hope this space matures to the point where this is the baseline level of reporting.
okay, so the main comprotroller address is the one to execute against
but you had to still be supplying or borrowing, you can probably still do this now, as for some reason the comptroller still gets refilled. it seems like anybody can refill it if it gets empty. due to a "timelock" that the Compound team implemented to increase confidence in the security of the system, it also takes that amount of time to fix this issue lol.. they could really get drained if people were paying more attention
I deposited some assets on Compound a year ago and I think I got the initial COMP airdrop
Does this make me eligible for this glitch? There wasnt anything in the UI suggesting so, but I can skip the frontend and use the smart contract directly, with hex or bytecode if necessary
Just not sure what to look for