As you're well aware, the "basically nobody" you're dismissing includes many of the founders of the most important tech companies and social movements today, plus the guy who built the website you're posting this on.
More to the point, though, if a prosecutor starts investigating you for "hacking" because you linked to your own website from your profile on this website (with records in going back to 01999, including your legal name, your wedding photos, etc., alongside a link to the "Hack The Planet" weblog and statements about things you've said on here), the fact that you protest that you "don't call yourself a hacker" won't cut much ice.
"Hackers" as a class are being blamed for a pandemic of extortion that is seriously endangering the society you live in, much like "communists" in the early 20th century, though in that case it was a pandemic of violently overthrowing governments. You may be too young to have lived through that but you can read about it.
More to the point, though, if a prosecutor starts investigating you for "hacking" because you linked to your own website from your profile on this website (with records in going back to 01999, including your legal name, your wedding photos, etc., alongside a link to the "Hack The Planet" weblog and statements about things you've said on here), the fact that you protest that you "don't call yourself a hacker" won't cut much ice.
"Hackers" as a class are being blamed for a pandemic of extortion that is seriously endangering the society you live in, much like "communists" in the early 20th century, though in that case it was a pandemic of violently overthrowing governments. You may be too young to have lived through that but you can read about it.