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Canada has cars over 70 years old in regular service. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Via_Rail_rolling_stock...

Canada's passenger rail system is not exactly a market leader. It is ossified, as it seems are most of its customers. And given the distances and terrain between major Canadian cities, trains will just never win out against air travel.

> And given the distances and terrain between major Canadian cities, trains will just never win out against air travel.

With a pretty major possible exception on the Windsor-Quebec City corridor. Large fraction of Canada's population in a span of ~1200km. Particularly the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal span with (metro area) population totally ~11 million over 600km, a Shinkansen-speed rail would be very competitive against air travel.

They're working on high frequency rail (which will also increase speeds to ~160km/hr), which should be closer to competitive, but still not great.

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