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Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (October 2021)
108 points by whoishiring on Oct 1, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 192 comments
Share your information if you are looking for work. Please use this format:

  Willing to relocate:
Readers: please only email these addresses to discuss work opportunities.

Searchers: try https://seisvelas.github.io/hn-candidates-search/.

Location: Geelong/Surf Coast (Near Melbourne, Australia)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe. I have spoken to my children and they're open to New Zealand, Japan, Italy and Thailand. Also Iceland because there are fairies there. Other locations considered, presence of elves is apparently a plus.

Technologies: C++, .Net, lots of web everything, JavaScript, TypeScript, REST API Design, Git etc. and lots and lots and lots of SQL. If you need someone to write or fix SQL I've spent a decade getting ready. Dabble in Ruby and Python, and like them. Am happy to learn something new.

Résumé/CV: CV by request

Currently a full time Architect and part time developer.

I've got more than a decade of dev experience and a bit over five years as an Architect leading the design and development on large enterprise projects.

In my side project with PerfusionMap, I am developing software for use in surgery to present patient haemodynamic data. I've completed development of a prototype of the software that is currently being tested by users. We're preparing for clinical trials and are about to begin working with the CSIRO to use machine learning to better understand our data.

To build the domain expertise for my work with PerfusionMap, I'm currently undertaking a biomedical science degree.

I'm focussing on medical genomics and molecular life sciences and intend to do postgraduate study in bioinformatics and computational biology.

Email: mailfromtheworld@gmail.com

Happy to consider full or part time work, as part time work will allow me to increase my study workload.

  Location: Offshore  
  Remote: Fully Remote  
  Willing to relocate: Not at this moment  
  Technologies: Python, SQL, Pandas, Tableau, Requests, RESTful Flask and basic machine learning  
  Résumé/CV: https://www.anyfactor.xyz/  | https://github.com/anyfactor
  Email: anyfactor@gmail.com  
Hi, HN. I have been freelancing as a automation, data and python developer for more than 4 years now. But I think it is time for me to take the next step.

I have a passion of making sense from data. That is why I studied accounting in the first place, but my love for dealing with messy data and solving problems made me switch to doing programming.

I really love working with Python and Pandas and, SQL and Tableau is something I am loving equally. And after a very long time it clicked that I enjoy the duties of the traditional roles of data analyst, data scientist, data engineering, backend development. I am capable of fulfilling the roles of jr. data analyst or that programming guy which every data engineering team needs.

Even if you are not hiring for a full time remote role, I am always available for you as a freelance developer.

  Location: Zurich, Switzerland
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, Google Cloud, Terraform, CI/CD (multiple tools), Helm, Prometheus, Grafana, Istio, Linux, Ruby, node.js, Javascript, Go, Git, GitLab, Github, HTML/CSS, Postgres, Redis, MongoDB
  Role: Cloud architect
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Email: kwd@gmx.ch
Since 2015 I have taken over the technical leadership of three major cloud transformation projects at three different companies. I helped introducing devops and cloud native principles, specified the architecture, supported the team with evaluation decisions and implementation, coached and built the teams to operate their new cloud infrastructure.

Back in 2013 I started working with Docker and in 2015 with Kubernetes as an early adopter. I also have experience as a full stack developer.

I'm either looking for a role where I can help building the company's cloud infrastructure or a role at a product company within the cloud/infrastructure area, especially with a focus on developer experience. I'm open for fulltime employment or contract work.

  Location: Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area (CA), Pittsburgh (PA)
  Remote: Open to it
  Willing to relocate: Open to it
  Technologies: Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, HuggingFace, SpaCy, NLTK, NumPy, Pandas, Sci-kit Learn, Flask, JavaScript, Express, React, React Native, PostgreSQL, SQLite
  Résumé/CV: https://resume.rpandey.tech
  Email: '%s.%s@%s.com' % ('rohan', 'pandey', 'gmail')
I'm an undergrad at Carnegie Mellon who's won over 10 hackathons with my full-stack experience and in the process of publishing a few machine learning research papers.

My areas of interest include Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Neurotechnology, and Bioinformatics but I also enjoy building impactful products!

Open to internships, part-time, and some full-time positions.


  Location: DC Metro Area
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: JavaScript (Node.js, React, TypeScript, Parcel), Python (Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, Numpy, BeautifulSoup, Django) SCSS, Go, Rust, Java, Kotlin, Linux
  Résumé/CV: https://dejawu.me/res/pdf/HollyWu-Resume.pdf
  Email: holly@dejawu.me
  Portfolio: https://dejawu.me
Holly Wu (she/her)

I've been doing one form or another of full-stack webdev for a little over a decade now (3 years in industry, 7+ as a hobby). Looking for positive-impact roles and unique challenges requiring unconventional solutions. I still love to code in my spare time, my latest major project being the compiler to a programming language of my own design: https://gitlab.com/dejawu/kythera

Location: Portland, Oregon

Remote: Yes (Preferred)

Willing to relocate: No, but maybe later

Technologies: Javascript and Typescript, Node, SQL (PostgreSQL), REST APIs, Docker, AWS (EC2, RDS, S3)

Résumé/CV: [Removed due to finishing job search]

Email: [Removed due to finishing job search]

I'm primarily a back-end engineer, but have experience with React and would be willing to take a full-stack role at the right company. I worked closely with designers and product managers at my last startup, and like creating the technical foundation to elegantly bring a product to life. More than happy to pick up new languages or tools as needed; learning quickly is one of my core skills.

  Location: US Eastern TZ
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Ruby, Rails, Python, Go, AWS, Terraform, Puppet
  Résumé/CV: https://www.petekeen.net/resume
  Email: recruiters@petekeen.net
I'm currently an infrastructure engineer at a name brand HN darling. I'm interested in a role either similar to that, or something more backend development focused in a product or foundation role. I have 14 years of professional experience across a wide gamut of technologies and company sizes / styles / stages.

I've worked with hundreds of engineers at YC unicorns, the Navy, and Fortune 100 companies in my career, and Pete is easily top 1%.

Pete is who I go to for help with big picture architectural ideas. He'll casually respond with solutions that nobody else had thought of that are more reliable, and that cost a tenth as much.

If I'm at my wit's end and cannot get past some code/network/cloud-config problem, Pete is who I call.

This post is typical of his style: wildly understated, not bragging, just getting things done.

He doesn't know I'm writing this comment, and I'm a little concerned this sounds like blown-out hyperbole (ala Chuck Norris meme or something), but the guy is just genuinely fantastic, and if you're hiring, you should absolutely speak to him.

Location: european, living in china

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: not at this time. maybe in the future

Technologies: Linux, frontend and backend webdevelopment, prototyping.

Résumé/CV: on request (20 years experience with web development, team lead, CTO, fluent in english and german, learning dutch, french and chinese)

Email: see profile.

I am open to remote part time contract opportunities (up to 20 hours/week short or long term) as a senior developer, team lead, CTO, trainer or mentor

I am also able to build up a development team for you here in china, to help you enter the chinese market or take advantage of chinese resources.

Location: Any

Remote: Yes (Worldwide)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Data & Business Analyst: Excel, Python, SQL, PowerBI

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ayophilip/

gmail: mide.philip

I am an experienced Data Analyst with about 8 years work experience. I am passionate about finding insight from data, solving business problems, writing and learning new things.

Most of my experience is in eCommerce and Energy. I have started learning about data science as well. I got a Bachelor's in Computer Science.

>Location: Any

I know you are willing to be remote, but you should list your current location. Many companies can only hire from specific countries. For instance, if you are anywhere in Europe, I could hire you. If you are in Asia, my company can't hire you.

  Location: Vancouver, Canada
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Not at present, but open to Europe in the future
  Technologies: Python, JavaScript (Vue, Node, React, others), Postgres, Unix, Golang, others
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JKEmJGg7bn3K1PhuhASUCHAJJFOkwTKK/view?usp=sharing
  Email: on Resume
Hi, I'm Luke, a front-end leaning developer based out of Vancouver, Canada. I've been working with JavaScript (and various component libraries such as React, Vue, Angular), HTML, CSS, Python, and others for some portion of the last decade. I find a lot of satisfaction in troubleshooting obscure issues and incrementally improving products, while working with good people or solo.

I burnt out and lost my previous position after COVID hit, and since then I haven't found anything, instead working on side-projects and in whatever non-tech jobs I can in the meantime :) I recently received an offer that could have been life-changing, but it was rescinded upon the company's realization that hiring a remote worker in Canada was more complex than they were prepared for. I'm quite defeated by this, and by the interviewing gauntlet that I've been doing for over a year, but am still open to full-time, part-time, and contract work as an incorporated entity.

In my next position, I'm looking for something where I can see where my value to the customer is going. Working at too high of an abstraction level from the problems I solve isn't healthy.

Location: Colorado, USA

Remote: Yes or onsite

Willing to relocate: Yes (USA)

Technologies: Python, Java, Go (newest daily), web dev, SQL, Linux, Docker, k8s (newb), cloud, C/C++ (once strong/daily but retired/avoided), git, distributed systems, threading, performance & scalability, some ML (plain old math, Bayesian models/inference, OLS regression, game actor AI, etc)

Domain Experience: travel, real estate, education, foreign/online adversarial propaganda/disinfo (APD), gaming, sims, cryptocurrency/blockchain, leadgen auction engines, VPN, GitLab

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13e3tdkKYcaNx6X34nd5BtK7amWy...

Email: groglogic+hn2hire202110@gmail.com

decades of programming. solid computing system fundamentals. problem solving. brainstorming. prototyping. communication. technical team lead. software architect. SRE-ish. author of cheatsheet on Software Performance & Scalability. tech research, due diligence and consulting for US State Department. indie game engine & personal tool creator since childhood. wrote & shipped a zombie apocalypse simulation a decade ago, for customers. in free time, lately designing a sim to teach about propaganda & democracy collapse risks, and, learning Rust

Location; Central Florida region

Remote: Yes, also open to partial /as needed on-site work.

Willing to Relocate: Yes, I am open to it!

Technologies: Redhat, Operations, Bash, Windows Server, Vmware, VirtualBox ,AIX, HP BTO , RHEL, CentOS, Debian

Where I come from: I've worked for NASA (via contractors), Serving as a Sysadmin and also Operations test conductor,helping to run field ops as well as maintain security , provision and administer their launch systems.

I've helped run operations involving multiple sites around the Country to that involved testing aspects of space hardware ,software involving multiple various teams and groups. I've also participated in several testing sessions and runs of NASA's Launch Control Software and help design tests and ensure the software is up to spec, for the Artemis 1 and Artemis 2 missions.

I'm a team-orientated, friendly, detail focused technologist with a long term eye towards expanding and delving into security and devops, and understanding what makes things tick, and what else they can do aside from just ticking! I also love poking around exploring the different ways one can make things tick, how one can stop others from making changes to the way those things tick, and so on!

For my full resume / LinkedIn or to reach out, I have a contact email on my HN Profile

Slightly-Modified Resume : See HN profile for current link to this.

Location: Pakistan at the moment but I am a Japanese National.

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Résumé/CV: [Google Drive Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JU9Dfbvh7d4KtQqHwQwGECHxbZq...)

Email: ajeelahmed1998@gmail.com

I just recently graduated(<1 month) with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a focus on Machine Learning. I am looking for jobs that would allow me to work with people who are well versed in the field of Machine Learning Engineering or to an extent Data Engineering. Although I am a recent graduate I consider myself a quick learner and my passion to get my hands dirty in data ensures that I would perform my jobs with due diligence and interest. My communication skills have been praised by my peers and my ability to work under pressure ensures that the task gets done no matter what.

I am also open to paid remote internships if the conditions are right. (As I am relatively inexperienced, I would really appreciate any kind of advice or feedback that would help me get better as an ML Engineer and as well as a human being.)

I also have experience in building MERN stack web apps and mobile applications using React Native but I'd really prefer something Python and ML based.

Thank you for reading.

Hello - it looks like the Google Drive link is not resolving. Thanks!

Hey thank you for the heads up, saw your comment a bit too late but appreciate it!

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: React, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, UI/UX design, Python, C#, .NET, SQL

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lOiZV3Xx7zBOKQjNzuP-o6Eq...

Email: jason.obeid98@gmail.com

GitHub: https://github.com/JasonObeid

I'm a Full-Stack Developer with ~1 year of experience building user-friendly web applications. I have experience leading and taking ownership of small projects, interacting with stakeholders, executing on a product's vision, and also mentoring junior developers. I take extra care in making my applications accessible and internationalized. I also have some research experience in NLP, where I developed an ML-based approach to automatically generate textual descriptions for visualizations that was accepted into the 2020 International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG).

I'm looking for a Front-End or Full-Stack role where I can work with driven colleagues, gain technical and interpersonal skills, and build great products. I enjoy environments with strong mentorship and learning opportunities!

  Location: USA
  Remote: Yes, fully remote only
  Willing to relocate: Open to move to Norway or Ireland
  Technologies: Java, C#, AWS, Python, Javascript
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattyoung219/
  Email: hnjobs@mattyoung.tech
Hi! I'm Matt and I'm a senior software engineer who has been either touring the hackathon circuit (over 30 in undergrad!) or solving problems at scale for over 7 years. I love working on projects where we are building a solution from scratch, getting a scrappy prototype out, and improving it from there. My dream job is to be a system architect, designing our system components, how to implement them, and then getting into the work of actually making and coding it. I find satisfaction from debugging issues and working in interesting problem domains.

In my free time, I like playing chess on the computer, board games with friends, and hanging out with my animals. Some passions include VR, IoT, and sustainable agriculture. I hope to move my lifestyle to one of small scale, sustainable agriculture over the next few years to reduce my carbon footprint and ensure my food is ethically obtained.

Feel free to reach out either for job opportunities or to discuss any of these passion areas of mine!

I have helped publish a chapter of the Springer textbook "Malware Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning" (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030625818). I have experience in machine learning, deep learning, and data analysis or processing. I am looking for remote internships (can start immediately) or summer 2022 in-person internships.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy, Pandas, Javascript/JS, Go lang, C++, Java, JSQuery, Flask, HTML, CSS

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TOwuT_Tj0a8Ln7ddQ16OZLdE...

Email: allenye66@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/allen-ye-20ba28171/

GitHub: https://github.com/allenye66

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KVN-MEUAAAAJ&hl=en

Location: Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (Canadian Citizen - So outside of Canada, I'd probably need a visa)

Technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS;

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f1w4n9e8w7vruha/Akhil%20Dalal%20Re...

Email: akhil.dalal@outlook.com

I'm a frontend developer with 3 years of experience. I've worked on a dashboarding application while I was in Boeing, and now I'm working on a Client Onboarding application in the fintech industry. My responsibilities in both roles includes what you might typically expect of a frontend dev: - Implementing the UI based on given UX designs by the UX team. - Enhance current features and develop new features as needed. - Work with clients to clarify and keep up-to-date the business requirements. - Debug and fix defects as found by unit testing or by QA testers.

I'm looking for a similar role but with more scope and a chance to work with backend processes. This might mean API building, or even dev ops. I like to take ownership of what I work with and I have a holistic approach to development.

Please do not hesitate to reach out whenever with questions if something caught your eye!

  Location: Gurgaon,India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes (post graduation)
  Technologies: Python, JavaScript, Flask, Django, PostgreSQL, Docker, Git, Shell Scripting
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uaiXPycf71AWzhVCTl4orT5A_iYApFk1/view?usp=sharing
  Email: sarthakoct@gmail.com
Hi, this might an exception among so many of experienced devs in this space. I'm Sarthak, a 4th year Electronics undergraduate student in Delhi Technological University(DTU), India.

I have been extensively working on open source projects and been a part of the MLH Fellowship and Google Summer of Code programs as well teaching basic of programming to young kids in India. I'm really interested in Security and have mostly worked on related projects as a Full-Stack Dev.

I'm looking for intern/ full-time (post graduation) opportunities in product based companies. While I'm improving my development skills and fundamentals, I would eventually like to transition over to Security in the future.

Feel free to reach out if you think I'll be a good fit for your company! I'm an adaptable quick learner - really looking forward to an opportunity to grow as a student developer.

Location: Texas / New York

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: NodeJS, Express, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, CassandraDB, JavaScript, Go, jQuery, React, Redux, Handlerbars, Docker, Digital Ocean, Git/Github, Heroku, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, HTML, CSS

Résumé/CV: https://www.eufrosino.com/assets/images/Eufrosino_Earl_Velos...

Website: https://www.eufrosino.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eufrosino/

Email: eufrosinoveloso@gmail.com

Hey there! I'm a software engineer based in Texas, with plans to relocate to New York City. I have experience working with various technologies across the development stack, but my preferred domain is wherever I'm needed the most.

Most recently I've built Retrospect (https://retrospecthq.com), an open-source debugging tool for microservices-based applications that abstracts away the complexity of back-end tracing instrumentation and front-end session recording.

Location: Beaverton, Oregon

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Git

Resume/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQtI5xaPwmdNW3W5...


I am a Junior Engineer that is excited to join a team, and make a meaningful impact on the world.

I want to add that I have been mentoring Gregg towards being a Frontend Software Engineer/Web Developer, with an emphasis on being an open source engineer. Gregg has an open source board with all the things he has learned and courses he has taken so far at https://gitlab.com/Gregg-Hendrix/how-i-became-a-software-eng....

He also built his own custom static site at www.gregghendrix.com, and we are moving to a static site generator soon, but it was important to get the basics down first.

We are looking to get Gregg on a large enough team where he can have senior mentorship available and keep growing.

Gregg is a great hire, very disciplined and focused and a great energy all around! If you have space for a Junior/Entry Level Frontend Engineer I think that you should definitely give Gregg an interview.

Also, I continue to meet with Gregg on a near daily basis so if you hire him you kinda get me in the background too to help him with blockers etc.

  Location: Boston (current) / SF / LA / NC / NYC
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Rust, TypeScript, Python, Go, C, C++, Verilog, OpenCL, CUDA, FPGA -- embedded, electronics, hard math/physics
  Email: jkelleyrtp@gmail.com

Resume: https://jonathan-kelley.com/resume

Github: https://github.com/jkelleyrtp

I'm a graduating senior at Olin College of Engineering with a nearly two years of fulltime work experience under my belt. I've built major components and products for venture-funded startups, worked on particle accelerators, and deployed hardware hundreds of feet above the ground on live constructions sites in San Francisco.

My area of interest is software-for-hardware and full stack development that spans the entire stack. I'm looking for a full-time role in either small or big, and I'd be able to provide value extraordinarily quickly. I'd prefer to work with Rust and embedded systems, but can be thrown at C/C++/Python projects just fine.

  Location: Atlanta, GA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe for the right offer, but I am not seeking to relocate at this time and prefer not to
  Technologies: Go, Rust, Python, Postgresql, Linux, XMPP, Git, etc.
  Résumé/CV: by request, ~9 years with medium to large tech companies, see also https://stackoverflow.com/users/story/1087001
  Email: sam@samwhited.com
  Compensation: I only apply to places that list a range on the description, if your compensation is secret please don't contact me
I am a backend developer who has spent most of his career focused on high performance web applications and real time communications. I am interested in exploring new opportunities, in particular I would like to continue using Go if possible. I have introduced Go and taught it at several previous companies and have been a contributor to Go itself. I have experience teaching Go and Git to more junior developers and like to think that I've had some success in this space.

Full-team freelance also available, inquire at https://willowbark.org

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Remote: Yes

My name is Tavi, and I run a solo software/data/bioinformatics consultancy focused on oncology. My clients range from small startups to immuno-oncology research labs and pharmaceutical companies. I previously managed a team of engineers at Salesforce.com and led several immuno-oncology research projects at Mount Sinai and with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

I advise on technical strategy and technical hiring, build genomic data processing pipelines, develop web apps for e.g. clinical data analysis, and so on.

I'm eager to chat with anyone in healthcare and particularly with anyone in oncology, whether or not there's an obvious fit right now.

Email: tavi at sequencesoftware.io

Website: https://sequencesoftware.io

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tavinathanson

More about me: https://sequencesoftware.io/team

GitHub: https://github.com/tavinathanson

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment

Technologies: JavaScript, ES6+, React.js, Next.js, Gatsby, Apollo, GraphQL, data visualizations (D3.js, Mapbox, Leaflet), Redux, headless CMS (Contentful, Prismic, Strapi), Wordpress, React Native, Bootstrap, Material UI, Webpack, PostgreSQL, AWS, Heroku, TypeScript, and more.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ngTkTVeDaakyFxEmPyyqyMuKxD6...

Email: mail [at] andrejgajdos.com

I am a full-stack web developer with over eight years of experience delivering software. I have worked for clients all around the world in many different industries. I have delivered solutions for solo founders, startups, digital agencies and big companies, such as Apple. I have background in computer science and am able to create everything from small business websites to custom web applications.

Currently, my availability is limited to 2 days/week.

Portfolio: https://andrejgajdos.com/projects/

Personal Website: https://andrejgajdos.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrejgajdos

Github: https://github.com/AndrejGajdos

Location: Lexington, Kentucky Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Node.js/Express, Ruby/Sinatra, Go, SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, RESTful APIs, Webhooks, Javascript (ES6), JQuery, Handlebars.js, React/Redux, HTML/CSS, TailwindCSS, AWS (Cloudformation, EC2, ECS, Fargate, S3, ALB, IAM, ECR), Snowflake, Heroku, Digital Ocean, Git/Github, Postman, Docker

Personal Site: https://adampeterson.tech/

Résumé/CV: https://adampeterson.tech/assets/Adam_Peterson_Resume1.pdf

Email: adampeterson.tech@gmail.com


Hey everyone! My name is Adam, and I am a Software Engineer based in Lexington, Kentucky, and the co-creator of Tapestry, an open-source orchestration framework that automates the deployment of a user data pipeline, and launches a dashboard UI to help manage that pipeline.

I have multiple years of experience in the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems and am comfortable working with Go, PostgreSQL, AWS cloud infrastructure and Docker.

Location: The Netherlands

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Rust, Ruby/Rails, Node, React, TypeScript, Python, C++, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Vim, Linux

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickyvanurk/

Github: https://github.com/nickyvanurk

Email: info@nickyvanurk.com

WANTED: Software Engineer Graduation Internship [20 weeks] (Open to employment/freelance afterwards).

Can rapidly learn new technologies. Game & web development experience (I like architecture, netcode, game AI, optimization). Build my own 8-bit computer: https://streamable.com/qe3nx5 Optimizing things gets me all excited. Check out this Three.js demo I made: https://nickyvanurk.com/void/ I also run a blog: https://codingwizardry.com/

Location: PK Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Not at the moment. Résumé/CV:- https://adnansiddiqi.me/Resume2020.pdf Email: kadnan@ gmail.com

Github: https://github.com/kadnan

I am a polyglot programmer/technologists having 10+ years of experience. I am mostly into backend related work. I also like to share my learning journey in the form of blog posts. Some of my recent blog posts are:

- Using Apache Airflow ETL to fetch and analyze BTC data [0]

- Create your first NFT Marketplace for selling cars in PHP Laravel and web3.js [1]

- Visualizing Python modules and dependencies with Neo4j (Featured by Neo4j and Pycoders Weekly) [2]

Keywords: Python, Django, Flask, Automation tools, Scraping, Data Analysis. Solidity,Web3, Smart Contracts, DeFi, DNA sequence analysis, Blockchain, APIs. Elasticsearch, Kafka, Airflow. Bots, Discord, Telegram. Go.

[0] http://blog.adnansiddiqi.me/using-apache-airflow-etl-to-fetc...

[1] http://blog.adnansiddiqi.me/create-your-first-nft-market-pla...

[2] - http://blog.adnansiddiqi.me/visualizing-python-modules-and-d...

Hi my name is Vedran and I represent a small high-grade web consultancy team with extensive experience in architecting, building, and managing large custom-made applications. Recent projects: https://bytecode.hr/ Throughout the last decade we built Airbnb-like platforms, music streaming apps, healthcare/finance/construction apps, real-time GPS vehicle tracking suites, worked on core systems of big data platforms (millions of daily transactions) and more.

We mostly collaborate with companies, but also have a lot of positive experiences working with non-technical founders.

We are searching for greenfield projects with a budget that we will build using Ruby On Rails and React. We are also looking to build some small Wordpress sites.


Location: Central Europe

Remote: Yes, since the beginning of our careers

Willing to relocate: No

Email: vmarcetic@bytecode.hr


We specialize in in React front-end, Custom Wordpress sites, back-end, DevOps and system administration (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Elastic, Docker, AWS, etc.).

Read more on https://bytecode.hr/

  Location: Canada

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: Full-stack developer with 5-10 years experience, with the most recent 5 years at various post-seed startups through successful Series A rounds. Ruby on Rails, React, Django, Tornado, Python, Numpy, Nginx, Redis(w/ Lua), Postgres, InfluxDB, MongoDB, AWS(EC2, Beanstalk, S3, CloudFormation, and more), Kubernetes, Helm, CI/CD, TDD, Pair Programming, Material UI, Javascript/Typescript, Vue, Node, REST, GraphQL(server + client), Clojure, Functional Programming, Stream Processing, Shape Up/Agile/Plan-Build-Ship, Mentoring, Customer Demos, and more!

  Résumé/CV: On Request

  Email: akrasiaca@gmail.com

  More about me:
  Looking for a below-market pay in exchange for a company with a great mission and top-tier work-life balance. Open to offers under 100k, and have turned down offers over 200k. No burnout startups. No toxic/high-pressure-sales culture. No ad-tech/fin-tech. No high-value-but-ethically-questionable customers/clients.

Location: Utrecht, Netherlands (Note: I don't have permanent residency in the Netherlands, will need the company to sponsor the work permit.)

Remote: Yes, if the above condition can be fulfilled.

Willing to relocate: Depends on the location.

Email: as.nbn [AT] protonmail [dot] com

Résumé/CV: https://nbn.sh/f/resume.pdf

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/as-nbn/

Site: https://nbn.sh/

Technologies: Java, Play, Redis, Go, Javascript/HTML5/CSS, Vue, React, Python, Bash, SQL, Git, Linux, AWS, Kafka, ElasticSearch

Generalist software developer with ~5 years of experience in Java (Play). Can easily pick up new languages if needed. Have prior experience in working at one of the largest telecom companies in India, handling a coupons/promotion platform. Currently working for a fintech company in Amsterdam.

Looking for: Mostly interested in backend focused roles in small teams/companies.


You might have to check the link to your résumé, it's on your C drive :)

I have a strong technical background and a passion for digital safety and privacy. Especially interested in trust & safety, privacy engineering, human-centered design, tech policy, and open source software. Looking for an internship or fellowship adjacent to trust & safety or privacy engineering.

Some of the projects I’m most proud of are Shynet [0], PrivacySpy [1], PolitiTweet [2], and a17t [3]. I co-instruct CS 106S [4] at Stanford, and I worked on cyber policy for a 2020 presidential campaign. I also work at the Stanford Internet Observatory on both research and technical infrastructure.

Portfolio: https://miles.land

Location: NYC or SF Bay Area

Remote: yes but ideally no

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Python, Rust, JS, Java, Kubernetes, C, OSINT, web dev, and more.

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wnIBWjEPmgdYXQ_EYZRU--KE...

Email: miles@rmrm.io

[0] https://github.com/milesmcc/shynet

[1] https://privacyspy.org

[2] https://polititweet.org

[3] https://a17t.miles.land

[4] http://cs106s.stanford.edu

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No


  System Design: UML, design patterns, database design, UX/UI design, real-time, communication protocols 

  Languages:     Java, JavaScript, Typescript, C/C++, Python, C#, HTML5, XML, CSS, SVG 

  Database:      PostgreSQL/PostGIS, DynamoDB, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, MongoDB 

  O/S:           Linux, OSX, Windows, AIX, Solaris, HPUX 

  Cloud:         AWS (S3, EC2, EB, RDS, Lambda, SQS, SNS, Route 53) 

  UI Frameworks: React, Vue, Angular, GWT, MeteorJS, Bootstrap
Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-MYilVVi1sVZUxFOUdpUFprblk

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulwujek/

GitHub: https://github.com/pwujek

Email: Paul.Wujek@gmail.com

DevOps Engineer with more than 10 years of professional experience with Linux infrastructures.

  Location: Amsterdam or South East Asia
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No

  • Cloud Platforms (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure, OpenStack)
  • Ansible and Puppet Certified Professional
  • Docker Containers and Kubernetes
  • Linux Infrastructures
  • Scripting in Python, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, Bash
  • Building CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins
  • Hashicorp Tools as Terraform, Consul, Serf, Packer, Vault
  • Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Graphite, Grafana
Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennisarslan / https://www.dropbox.com/s/4kvpdmh0n73ujc3/Dennis%20Arslan%20...

Email: hello@arslan.co.uk

Location: Manhattan, NYC.

Contracts: No. Full-time W2 only.

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: C/C++, C#, SQLite (team member), Tcl/Tk (maintainer), Win32, POSIX, lots of other stuff.

Résumé/CV: Link and/or document available by request.

Email: joe [at] [put_my_user_name_here] [dot] com

Phone: Please see "https://www.mistachkin.com/" for instructions.

Also, please be serious.

Location: New Jersey, USA

Remote: preferred, but willing to relocate in during the duration of Summer 2022

Technologies: Python, Java, C, Tensorflow, Keras, Sci-kit Learn.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QfgAu9ir9U7JLXKh84PiTgpn9ml...

Email: gauravnarwani07@gmail.com

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaurav-narvwani/

I am currently a masters student pursuing my degree in Computer Science with a focus in data science looking for an internship in the field of Machine Learning or Data Science. I have completed several courses in this field and have multiple projects to demonstrate my skills. I have a huge passion for this field and am always excited to learn new things. Please feel free to reach out to me via email, connect on linkedin or on this post as well. Cheers!

Location: Washington, USA

Remote: Yes. I am an experienced remote worker, so I will be right at home on a distributed team.

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Pixel-perfect mockups, mobile app design, user interface (UI) design, responsive front-end web development

Résumé/CV: https://dillonbrown.me/resume.pdf

Portfolio/Website: https://dillonbrown.me

Email: hello@dillonbrown.me


I like thinking about ways to make technology approachable -- translating nerdy stuff into tools normal people can use. Computers are magical to me and I want to contribute my work to something more meaningful than, say, advertising. Instead, I want to bring this magical-feeling to people through my work.

My career has manifested in digital design, but if given the chance I would love to try designing physical things, too. In my work I value simplicity, accessibility, and reusability (I was a front-end dev for four years and understand the value of designs that can be built easily).

I'm a boring designer. In my free time I design the most boring Mac apps. For example, here is a mockup interface I made for an open source macOS app that I love: https://dillonbrown.me/images/mockups/finicky-1.png. To me, boring is beautiful, boring is usable and reliable. I don't make dribbble show-ponies, I make workhorses.

Please take a look at my website (https://dillonbrown.me) to get a sample of the kind of work I can make for you.

Location: Athens, Greece

Remote: Only remote

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Django, Python, Elixir, Phoenix, SQL, Linux, JS

Email: spapas at gmail com

Experienced software engineer (15 years of experience). My availability is up to 20 hours/week.

More info on my LinkedIn profile: https://gr.linkedin.com/in/serafeimpapastefanos

Location: La Seu d'Urgell area, Spain

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C#, C++(98), powershell, SQL, Java, Git, Jira, ActiveMQ, ... mostly windows desktop application development with a stint in fullstack web programming in LAMP stack.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaume-de-francisco-guiu-56181654...

Email: my nick at gmail

Experienced desktop developer who has mainly specialized on keeping what makes you money running. Fixing bugs and incremental improvements are my bread and butter. I love to ad tests, upgrade compilers, and improve the process all around.

I like very much when a greenfield project comes and I can try to not repeat all the errors I've been correcting all these years.

Trying new languages is one of my hobbies: F#, lisp, J, ... . Some experiments in https://github.com/JaumeGreen

Location: The Netherlands

Remote: Yes or Noord-Brabant/Zuid-Holland region

Willing to relocate: Depends

Technologies: Node.JS, PHP, MariaDB/PostgreSQL, Laravel, Express.js, React/Vue/Angular, Typescript, Python, Stripe/Mollie, Ansible, Docker, Terraform, FME

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vadiemjanssens, CV upon request (contains more details)

Email: vadiemjanssens+hackernews@gmail.com

Senior full-stack software engineer. I’ve worked for big dutch companies like Achmea and Repay.nl.

Currently working on a GIS-application for the development of underground infrastructure networks.

Side project I’m currently most excited about is https://www.airsoftbazaar.nl, where we’re implementing Stripe Connect and a mobile app using React Native.

Very quick learner, loves working with new tech, wants to push everything I do to the next level.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: On-site preferred, but open to remote

Willing to relocate: Yes, northern hemisphere

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/pfandzelter/resume/blob/main/resume.pdf

Website/Github/Google Scholar: pfandzelter.com

Email: hello@pfandzelter.com

Just started the third year of my computer science PhD and am now looking for research internships in the fields of distributed systems, edge computing, networks, etc. I have published a few papers and articles in peer-reviewed venues and driven my own research projects, but I'd love to get some more experience working with teams of researchers on shared projects. If you (or someone you know) work on computer science research in any non-university context and are looking for a bright young student to help you write papers and develop prototypes, contact me!

Location: Edinburgh, UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Linux, Inkscape, GIMP, Scribus, Visual Studio Code, Git, HTML, CSS, static websites, Figma

Email: hi@angeliqueboudeau.org

Portfolio: https://angeliqueboudeau.org/#portfolio

Instagram and Facebook: angeliqueboudeauorg

CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angélique-boudeau/

I'm a French graphic & digital designer with an eco-friendly focus.

* I work for businesses that want to have a positive impact on the planet or their community

* My design process takes into account the sustainability of the final project from conception to end of life

* I am experienced in running projects from start to finish including working directly with clients



* Static website design - responsive mobile/desktop designs that are lightweight and fast

* Logo design, branded social media banners, posters, booklets

* Custom illustrations - digital/vector/bitmap artwork

I'm a MSc in Machine Learning graduate from Imperial College London. I am looking forward to combining my theoretical knowledge and practical skills to address real life challenges. I look for full-time positions where I can put my skills in ML, AI, and general computer science, to use in order to contribute with passion while enjoying working with colleagues from many backgrounds and disciplines.

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, C++, MATLAB, C#, Java, R, Prolog, PIG, Racket, Excel VBA, SQL

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aras-yıldız-977911124, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jUUxanoUqiqN0BLtTL3fl4BoISe...

Email: arasyildiz1@gmail.com

Location: Indonesia

Remote: Yes

Willing To Relocate: Yes

Techonologies: Ruby(Rails), Javascript(React, Node), PHP (Lumen, Laravel), CI/CD (Jenkins, GitlabCI), Docker, AWS(S3, RDS, EC2), PostgreSQL

Role: Backend / Ops

Résumé/CV : Upon Request

Website: https://freedomaintnotfree.netlify.app/

fresh graduate (2021), i've been in the industry since 2018 in 2018 i was working as freelance until 2019 then i joined a fintech company (full-time) for 6 months as Backend-Ops (Rails), i took off a semester to buy a laptop since someone stole my laptop at that time, after that i focus to finish my college(sry, i start blogging)

in September, 2020 i joined a SaaS company (full-time) until last month as a Software developer-Ops (React, React Native)

I'm either looking for a role as Backend or Ops,and i have interest with Rust, soo it would be great if i can learn Rust and at the same time helping the company to grow too

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Backend development and integrations, Mulesoft, Java, Javascript/Node.js, Python, SQL

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1C8OVbmk-QET4Y6DsNueoDtWKK9...

Email: JaredLMosley@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jared-mosley-a23a49140/

Github: https://github.com/superturkey650

I am a mid-level developer who likes to work mostly on backend API development. I enjoy refactoring just as much as creating from scratch, and I know the importance of documentation and good communication. I give back to my community using my skills and am eager to grow with good mentors.

Location: Washington D.C

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, JavaScript, Product Design, Supervised Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Text Summarization, Image Classification

Résumé/CV: https://zachhajjaj.com/resume.pdf

Email: zach@breue.com

Some of my recent work: https://breue.com/

A sample project: https://oatmel.com/ - https://github.com/breue/oatmel

I also specialize in natural language processing: https://zachhajjaj.com/nanobird_relevancy_engine.pdf

I am a software engineer based in Toronto, Canada. I recently built Fjord, an open-source real-time API proxy for Apache Kafka (https://fjord-framework.github.io/). Fjord allows users to securely configure client-side streaming from any Kafka topic, and easily deploy dozens of components on AWS to offload the streaming responsibilities to Fjord’s scalable infrastructure.


Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Résumé/CV: https://sophiec.dev/asset/Sophie_Chan_Resume.pdf

Email: hello@sophiec.dev


Languages: JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, HTML, CSS, Go

Libraries: KafkaJS, Socket.io, jQuery, Handlebars

Frameworks: React/Redux, Express, NodeJS, Sinatra

Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis

Technologies: AWS, Digital Ocean, Heroku, Docker, Postman, Git/GitHub, RESTful APIs, Webhooks, SSE, WebSocket, Kafka, Gatling

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No

Willing to travel for work: Yes(depending on the country)


    - FPGA/RTL design
    - Digital Signal processing
    - Bare metal development (Atmel, ARM)
    - Linux development
    - Hardware design
    - Beginning PCB design with Kicad
    - Software defined radio
    - Languages: C, Python, VHDL
Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/svancau/, PDF available on request

Email: dev=at=sebsky.be

I'm an electronics engineer with 11+ years of experience in FPGA/RTL design and MCU/embedded development. I've mainly worked in the space industry, integrated various peripherals (I2C, SPI, 1553, UART, ...) and microprocessors into ASICs (not the shoes).

I would love to work on new technical challenges in electronics, FPGA or embedded SW.

Location: Miami, FL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Depends

Technologies: Javascript, React, Node.js, SQL, Mongodb, Postgres, Redux,

Exposure to: Ruby, Ruby on Rails,

Résumé/CV: https://tinyurl.com/25p2hs54

Personal Site: https://tinyurl.com/dpzjm8d3

Linkedin: https://tinyurl.com/n8exdf5x

I'm a recent bootcamp grad (Hack Reactor) looking for an internship/apprenticeship, preferably working with frontend technologies like React, Redux, Angular, etc. Would love for the opportunity to contribute to a webapp and maybe get some code review / mentorship advice. I also have lots of experience with digital marketing, data analytics, and some other stuff too. Feel free to contact me on my linkedIn or personal website.

- Location: Lithuania, EU

- Remote: Yes

- Willing to relocate: No

- Technologies (preferred): scala, clojure, lisp, rust, go, julia, functional programming, reactive programming, tla+, formal specification, model-checking, clojurescript, scala.js.

- Technologies (rest): java, javascript, typescript, python, react, vue, vuex, play framework, akka, zeromq, bitcoinj.

- Résumé/CV: https://dmos62.github.io/resume/

- Email: dominykas.mostauskis@gmail.com

I'm a generalist and I'm as comfortable on the frontend as I am on the backend. I'm very good at refactoring, sound architecture and minimizing code's cognitive taxation. As a result, systems I work on are predictable, easy to understand, and a joy to extend and maintain. I'm looking for a collective that's smart and wholesome. Interested in working on open source and free software.

  Location: Columbus, Ohio
  Remote: Yes (really love it)
  Willing to relocate: On the table but unlikely
  Technologies: I've worked with a lot of things, but not an expert. Experience with many languages and frameworks (strongest Python/Swift/iOS). 
  Resume: Available upon request
  Email: Linkedin profile in user profile

Hi everyone, currently working as a consultant. My goal is to join a startup as a product or strategy analyst to get experience to become a product manager (I have some gaps to fill). Not limited to those job titles. Enjoy iOS development but haven't done that professionally. Very interested in the fintech industry but not limited to that. Looking to join a high-performance team. Hard worker. Won't let you down. Just looking for the right opportunity.

In your user profile you saved the wrong linkedin link = you are unreachable.

TYVM! I usually delete it after a week or so from one of these posts and then add again at the beginning of each month.


Zoë Davidson // Front End Engineer


Seeking: Clients or part-time, remote work in a meeting-free environment.


Location: ON, Canada (EST)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, SCSS, HTML, CSS


Email: zoe.a.h.davidson@gmail.com

GitHub: https://github.com/zdavidson

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zo%C3%ABdavidson/

Resume/CV: https://www.canva.com/design/DAES1ADT5_k/7SpvpruK2llC5gr-KNO...

Currently working for a publisher creating books, bibles, and ebooks from XML and ICML.

Location: Chicago

Remote: flexible

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: python, lxml, django, indesign, ruby, rust, linux, javascript, git, pandas, full stack, etc.

Resume: http://joshvoigts.com/resume.pdf

Email: joshvoigts@gmail.com

  Location: Dubai, UAE
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to Relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python 3, Golang, Pytorch, Shap, FastAPI, PostgreSQL/Neo4JS, PostGIS, NumPy, Pandas, Docker, AWS services like RDS, Lambda, EC2, S3, ECS. 
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ic8XqG6aO7BYQ__ILbuBYc1vOZDOurax/view?usp=sharing
  Email: shriram.sunder121091@gmail.com
Hi HN,

I've got 6 years of experience with Python in general, and I'm really proficient with PostgreSQL (for any back-end task) and establishing pipelines for Machine Learning (ML) tasks (using Prefect for the past year or so).

I also work on data science problems exclusively, without the adjoining back-end problems (e.g just give me the data set and you'll get back a model). I mainly use Pytorch & Scikit-learn for these tasks.

  Location: Chicago
  Remote: OK
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: SaaS, eCommerce, react, node, many others.
  Résumé/CV: https://jameswilson.name
  Email: james@jameswilson.name
I have over 20 years of experience on many different levels of the tech stack, including extensive management experience.

I've led teams for Citibank, Wall Street Journal, Hawaiian Airlines.

I've worked with many emerging technologies such as VR, AI, self-driving cars, 3d talking avatars, AI-powered, easy-to-use breast cancer detection software, I have even created a project for the President of The United States.

I am looking for Technical Product Manager, Technical Project Manager, VP/Director of Technology, Scrum Master, Solution Architect, etc. roles.



I'd like to be hired to work on open source projects. I've been working on and using open source for about 20 years, principally on the Debian project.

Location: Perth, Western Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: open source

Résumé/CV: https://bonedaddy.net/pabs3/about/resume/

Dev links: https://bonedaddy.net/pabs3/about/#other_pages

Blog: https://bonedaddy.net/pabs3/log/

Contact: https://bonedaddy.net/pabs3/about/#contact

Location: Europe (Russia, Saint-Petersburg)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe


- Go, and Go assembly, Python, Perl 5, C (also Zig, Rust, Mercury, Lua, Haskell but have no professional experience here, though can do a test assignment).

- Linux, scripting with bash; git, make, coreutils etc.

- Docker, gRPC, Wireshark, QEMU, Ansible

- Distributed systems, Compilers, Networking, Storage, Formal verification, Math, Machine learning

Resume/CV: will send after a request

Email: k r a u n i d @ gmail dot com

Languages: Russian (native), English (C1), German, Spanish (basic)

Github: https://github.com/fyrchik

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/stratonikov

Last 5 years I have been working with storage systems and networks. I have a strong background in both math and CS and broad interests. Curious.

Working on anything adtech-related is a big no.

- Location: Sochi (Russia) / Internet

- Remote: Definitely

- Willing to relocate: Is it warm enough there?

- Technologies: Design of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI)

- Résumé/CV: https://vlad.studio/resume/

- Email: vladstudio@gmail.com

I'm a senior product designer with 8 years of related experience + 11 years of freelance design (one man orchestra) before that. I think, talk and write a lot before opening Figma. As a hobby, I learned both front-end (HTML/CSS/JS) and back-end (PHP/MySQL) stacks. Experienced in communicating with both business owners and developers. As lead designer and co-product manager, I helped develop highly successful educational math curriculum for kids - Reasoning Mind Blueprint - from scratch. Please see the resume above for details.

    Location: Bryan/College Station, Texas.
    Remote: Yes, preferred.
    Willing to relocate: Possibly. Arkansas would be nice, elsewhere in Texas feasible, or I will consider other locations as necessary. 
    Technologies: Linux, BSD, Go, Rust, HTML/CSS, fast learning - OK, that one's not a technology, but I can wrap my head around most things quite quickly.
    Resume/CV: http://a-shared-404.com/hire-me/
    Email: evan.g.hoose, protonmail.com
I definitely qualify as a Junior, but I am a very fast learner with a passion for technology, especially FL/OSS.

Most of my "proper" experience is in administering Linux servers, but I am competent enough in all of the technologies mentioned above to hit the ground running and get productive quickly.

Location: Seattle, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: FPGA/RTL Logic Design (and supporting tech), PCIe at the Transaction Layer, Hardware SW/Interface, C/C++, Python

Résumé/CV: https://jackyinger.com/assets/Jack_Yinger_Resume.pdf

Email: jack.yinger (at) gmail.com

I have a background in cloud hardware more recently FPGAs and in the past server hardware. Though the majority of my work experience is in HW I love software equally and enjoy interfacing with SW teams or writing software myself. I have also worked with micro-controllers and embedded systems.

Looking for challenging technical problems requiring creative problem solving. Enjoy working with stakeholders to find solutions that fit their problem, comfortable starting with open ended problem.

Location: Chicago

Remote: Yes (preferable)

Willing to relocate: No (with exceptions, e.g. NYC, Philly, ...)

Technologies: Java, LaTeX, python

Resume/CV: on request

Email: nilaykumar[at]tutanota.com

Website: nilaykumar.github.io/about

I am a mathematician looking for a collaborative environment in which to build tools and techniques for solving challenging problems.

I recently completed my PhD in mathematical physics: my thesis focused on supergeometric aspects of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism (used to quantize gauge theories such as string theories, etc.). Recently I have been interested in applications of mathematics to computing and data, such as topological data analysis and learning.

I have fairly broad interests, and although I do not have experience with software in a professional (non-academic) environment, I've been coding since I was a kid.

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you'd like to chat about an opportunity.

Location: Minneapolis, mostly (Greece occasionally and until March...)

Remote: Preferred - Twin Cities companies welcome though

Relocate: No

FT?: Open to FTE for right opportunity, always open to contracts. Couldn't start FT until at least Jan 1. Open for short-medium term contracts always.

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, ops (heroku/aws/ansible/docker), CI/CD, testing, API design, integrations/plumbing. Some: Python, Elm, IoT stuff, machine learning


Senior full-stack dev (lean more towards devops->backend than backend->frontend, but I can still sling some React components together and reduce your JS payload size). Lately I've been loving Stimulus Reflex and playing with a lot of micropython/ESP32 stuff lately.

I excel at figuring out how to solve problems at all levels of abstraction (including what level of abstraction you should use), getting a solution in place, and then figuring out the feedback loops to iterate on that solution. I'm the senior engineer that knows that most coding is coming to an understanding of what problem you are trying to solve. Sometimes the most impactful code is the code you don't write.

Trying to change the world, still parsing the source code. I've been programming on the web since 1995, had a first career as a social worker and policy statistician, and have worked full-time as a programmer for almost a decade now.

Especially enjoy API/architechture design, integrating with crappy systems, user research, and really weird bugs. Make a decent PM in a pinch, but would prefer you have great PMs.

Will give you more looks if you can tell me why what you are doing makes the world better, but you've got to really believe it in your heart.


Email: hello_from_hn@ericstiens.dev

Location: Brazil

Remote: Yes (US, Canada, London)

Willing to relocate: Yes (US, Canada)

Technologies: Python, Django, RESTful APIs, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, HTML, CSS, Javascript...

I am a Backend Engineer currently working with Python, Django, Django REST Framework, Fast API. I have about 8 months experience and I'm hoping to transition to a role that uses a combination of Python and Javascript/Typescript, possibly as a Full-stack Engineer.

I have a pretty good command of Data Structures and Algorithms, write clean, readable and maintainable code with automated tests, and perform code reviews on a daily basis.

My current experience involves Microservices, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD with Azure DevOps etc.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ferdemacedo

Location: San Diego, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Probably not.

Technologies: C/C++, C#, Python, Java, Linux, Embedded

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ1TgLUEp1EywROO... (full resume available upon request)

Email: armchairdev@protonmail.com

10 years of experience as a software engineer in R&D, with 5 of those being a team lead. Recent work includes software for automation, a CubeSat mission, and maritime domain awareness. Looking for opportunities to learn and build, whether it be something related to my past experience or something completely different. BS in Computer Science and working on an MS with a focus on AI.

  Location: San Francisco, CA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Typescript, Javascript, Node.js, Angular, Go, Python, Postgres, Elasticsearch.
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shusson
  Email: shane.a.husson@gmail.com
  Website: https://shusson.info
Hi I'm Shane and I've been working as a Software Engineer for just over 10 years. Most of my career has been focused on developing web applications within the health space. I'm interested primarily on working on applications that improve healthcare, but I am also open to other opportunities that have a positive impact on society. I'm currently looking for work in the United States (based in SF) and will be available Jan 2022.

Location: Madrid, Spain (GMT+2)

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment

Technologies: Go, NodeJS, SQL, Typescript, Docker, etc. Happy to work with technologies I have no experience with.

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/kace91/cv/blob/master/CV-English-Carlos-C...

Email: kace91@gmail.com

I've got almost 7 years of experience as a software engineer under my belt - mostly backend stuff, but I've worked in VR and other areas so I'm comfortable wearing different hats.

My most recent experience includes working for a unicorn startup in the mobility sector, automating in detection of fraud and bad behaviour at scale for millions of users.

  Location: New Zealand, but interested in relocating to the Bay Area
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes, for the right offer
  Technologies: C#/.NET, TypeScript, Vue, Laravel/PHP, Docker, k8s, SQL
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewisaburden/, CV upon request
  Email: andrewisaburden+hn@gmail.com
Senior software engineer, with experience in SaaS full-stack delivery, platform engineering, and distributed systems.

Particularly interested in developer experience and tooling, or building products that bring joy to the user! I'm passionate about mentoring and collaboration, technical excellence, and making sure that technical decisions serve the business and the user, rather than the other way around.

Location: Indian citizen ( currently based in Paris )


Willing to relocate:Yes

Technologies: Microsoft office pack ( Advanced ), Photoshop ( Advanced ) Indesign ( Advanced), Illustrator (Advanced ), Python (Basic), Tableau (Basic)

Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/thoughtlabyrinth_kl

Email: kanika31loomba@gmail.com

A marketer with experience in creative strategy implementation by leveraging models like design thinking, growing/developing brands through innovative, performance driven campaigns, consumer insight mapping and cultural listening.

Currently seeking full time ( on site / remote ) or freelancing opportunities to grow further in a role in marketing, digital strategy/insight/ innovation & prospective/ or as a brand specialist.

Location: Bloomington, Indiana

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Racket, Java, C, C++, Embedded, SQL, insert yours here!

CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zWEXrdTYDGVFhzCLiWoWiSuZNCO...

email: niirms@iu.edu

Hello! I'm in my fourth and final year of my Computer Science degree and I'm looking for employment post graduation. I chose to specialize in Systems for my degree, and have taken many classes relating to low-level machine programming, including embedded systems, operating systems, and compilers. I'm open to any and all opportunities but am mostly interested in backend/API/systems jobs. Thanks!

  Location: Saint Paul, MN
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, TypeScript, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, React, LaTeX, misc dabbling
  Résumé/CV: https://quartz.defyingentropy.ml/2021-8Resume.pdf  
  Email: sasha.hydrie@gmail.com
  GitHub: https://github.com/iCalculated
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasha-hydrie-917743183/
Undergrad at UMN with a strong mathematical background (modeling, machine learning, group theory) looking for internships in particular. Hoping to find opportunities to work on hard problems with smart people, preferably while learning some new technologies.

Feel free to reach out for anything, even just to chat.

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, Javascript, Typescript, Node,

Résumé/CV: https://www.denniskortsch.de/about

Email: letsworkwithdennis@gmail.com

I am a React/Frontend specialist. I have built several single page applications in different size companies - from startups to large 1000+ dev shops. Hire me if you need an allrounder who can implement anything your products frontend needs. I can either act as a feature machine to spit out great UI components with a focus on UX and performance. I can bootstrap your MVP or I can improve your teams DX by refactoring legacy code and/or mentoring other devs.

I have around 40 hours/month of contractor time available the next ~6 months.

Location: Lille, France

Remote: Yes (only)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Elixir/Erlang, Python (Django), Javascript/Typescript (VueJS), Docker, Kubernetes

Résumé/CV: https://linkdd.github.io (Ctrl+P for PDF version)

Email: david.jose.delassus@gmail.com

I'm a self-taught software developer since 2005. I specialized a few years ago in Cloud technologies and DevOps methodology. I'm very interested in automation and follow the KISS principle as much as I can.

I've started my own small business, as a software editor, with an associate that I've known and worked with for the last 9 years. Therefore, I'm available for part-time freelance jobs (ideally 2 days/week, but 3 days/week is acceptable too).

  Location: Melbourne, Australia. 
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, SQL, HTML & CSS. 
  Résumé/CV: By request. 
  Email: CodingZoe@gmail.com
I am actually a Nurse!

I love to learn, solve problems and i am hoping to do so by combining coding and my nursing knowledge together. I am very open minded as to what that looks like. Guess you could call me a fast, 'hungry' learner who can be really stubborn when it comes to bugs.

I have been working on my own little projects, reading documentation(love documentation - must a Nurse thing), self-taught online over the last 18 months. 10 years of Nursing experience.

Open to any opportunities or suggestions! (Did i mention i am very excited and eager?)

Brian Herman Location: Chicago, IL (A suburb of Chicago called Darien, IL)

Remote: Yes

US Citizen

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Years of Experience: 7

Technologies: Python, machine learning(data cleaning only and application of already coded methods such as GPT-J), AWS Lex, AWS Route53, Amazon Lambda, AWS API Gateway, AWS Virtual Private Cloud, XML, X12, Insurance Underwriting and Claims, HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript, JQuery, SOAP, Linux Debian & Ubuntu, Docker Files, CISCO management, Faxes Interesting Projects: Created payment system that handles hundreds of thousands of dollars per day. Prototyped Created a Amazon powered AI Interactive Voice System with AWS LEX, Lambda and Amazon Connect. Created my own API that we use to power our Insured portal.

Github: github.com/brianherman

Email: bherman.live@gmail.com

Location: Basel, Switzerland

Remote: Preferred, at least partially remote.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: C++14, Windows and Linux, Computational Geometry, 3D Printing, Optimization

Résumé/CV: Please contact me

Email: jpatas83 at gmail dot com

I work in the CAD/CAM dental business as Senior Software Engineer on a huge code base. I work mainly on the development in the CAM area in the whole preprinting process. My tasks include the development of 3D computational geometry algorithms and their optimization in preparation for 3D printing. Besides computer graphics, I am also interested in topics from robotics. However, I am open minded. I live in Basel and work remotely since COVID. If you are interested and looking for software developers, please email me at the above address.

Location: Austin, Texas

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, Java SE, Java EE(Servlets, JSP), Spring, Thymeleaf, MySQL. Exposure to: React.js, AWS, Python

Résumé/CV: Upon request

Email: larrycastillo2009@gmail.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/larrycastillo/


I'm an entry level full-stack developer currently working as a teacher assistant at a coding bootcamp. I have a lot of experience with deploying Spring Web Applications. I'm currently learning various front-end technologies(mainly React.js and AWS)

I am willing to pick up any position that matches my skills. Looking forward to chatting with you about how I can leverage my skills :)

Location: Central FL

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Not at the time

Technologies: Primarily C# .NET, but have written PHP, Java, JS, Erlang, C and more. I love technology and learning new programming languages and wouldn’t have any issue picking up most things. Currently trying to find a reason to write some Ada.

Email: james.askhn21@gmail.com

My professional history has mostly been standard enterprise stuff, but I like to play with a lot of things in my spare time. Most recently, I’ve been working on some systems networking software making old retro computers talk to modern networks and vice versa. It’s difficult for me to pin down exactly what I’m looking for, and I’m happy to talk to people about whatever they may have they think I’d be a good fit for.

  Location: Silicon Valley
  Remote: No preference
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: (Professional): C#/Visual Studio/Git/Gitlab/Windows.  (Hobby): C++/Python/MySQL/Linux
  Résumé/CV: e-mail me please!
  Email: (my hn username) at litchips.com
Looking for senior/staff back-end/infrastructure software positions.

Currently a staff engineer (~8 YOE) at a semiconductor company doing a mix of hardware and software development of factory tools, interfacing with a remote factory. High emphasis on reducing human interaction and eking out that extra 1% speed. Formal education is PhD in Electrical Engineering, minoring in CS.

Lead / Senior Front-end Engineer for Design Systems

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, TypeScript, UX/UI Design

Résumé/CV: http://metamn.io/

Email: bartus.csongor@gmail.com

I'm a Computer Scientist, and a self-taught UX/UI designer with works featured in online galleries.

The last 15 years I've been designing and developing websites and applications from back-end to front-end, from architecture to UX/UI design, on various stacks.

The last year I've spent studying Design Systems. This is where I shine today: rolling out scalable user interfaces, bridging the gap between design and engineering.

My current stack is React, Typescript, CSS-in-JS and I work remote.


  Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
  Remote: Preferred, open to on-site/hybrid
  Willing to relocate: Will consider
  Technologies: Full-Stack JavaScript (MERN), Apollo + GraphQL
  Résumé/CV: https://geraldiner.com/assets/files/GeraldineRagsac_Resume_2021.pdf
  Email: hello [at] geraldiner [dot] com
Full-stack software engineer interested in education, personal development, and design - and especially where they may intersect. Previous experience in teaching and cancer research. Check out my work in my portfolio: https://geraldiner.com

Location: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Remote: Sure

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Python, Go, C++, and plenty of other things

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W2A58OSBQD9gJipIiTjXkFdBKmQ...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mathyou-wolfe

Email: m5wolfe [at] uwaterloo.ca

I'm a university student looking for Summer 2022 internships. I'm currently interning at Shopify. All I want to do is build really cool things :)

Also, if you want to just have a chat about anything, I would love to!

Location: Bend, OR Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No (Wife just started nursing school)

I am definitely entry level. Not listed on my resume, but I currently work in chemical manufacturing while about to graduate next spring with my B.S. in Software engineering.

Technologies and skills: Debian Linux, C, git, Java, TDD, NetBSD, Agile

I love learning and am willing to learn anything. However, I do like the idea of doing embedded development, but I am not picky.

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U2JUPQ0OgPMMXNR8JFpUYGOh...

Location: Slovenia, Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Scala, Akka, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka

Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/hn-sec-oto / https://bit.ly/oto-brglez-cv

Email: Can be found in links above.

I'm currently working as engineering manager / architect with 20+ years of experience in "Web". I've managed teams with 20+ engineers in 5+ countries. I like to work with "a lot" of data, as close to real-time as possible. I like to prototype and get my hands dirty.

Location: Stockton, California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: (Beginner-level at each) C++, Python, Java/Javascript, SQL, HTML/CSS/React

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Zxp68qzqYxDAJc8obX6v8aE7vd...

Email: christiantemartin@gmail.com

I'm a recent CS college graduate that has been struggling to get my foot in the door. I'm a beginner at multiple languages, but eager to learn. I have a preference for companies that focus on directly helping the lives of others, such as the health and education industry.

Location: Nigeria

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Django, Elixir, Phoenix, PostgreSQL, Git, HTML, CSS.


Email: tolexreal7@gmail.com

I'm self-taught and I'm seeking for an internship or junior developer role. I'm at the moment seeking for my first developer role. I would appreciate working with anyone or joining a startup willing to take a chance on me.

I'm very proficient working with the above technologies especially Python/Django. I'm an elixir enthusiast and I have been dabbling with it for a few personal projects. One of my recent work for a client is www.smartstuddy.com.

Feel free to reach out I'm open to opportunities and I'm adept to learning quickly and working with a team.

Location: Austin, TX

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Figma, GitHub, Jira, some Postman and Selenium

Résumé/CV: https://gitconnected.com/mn0liver/resume

Email: mnoliverdesign@gmail.com

I am searching for a Junior QA role. I am experienced as a Junior Front End Developer (~1 year). I am passionate about problem solving, learning new things, creativity, and team work. Most of my experience in QA is through manual testing but I have started learning some automation as well. My background is originally in health and wellness - Bachelor's of Science in Exercise Science

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes | Holding German Blue Card Visa

Technologies: Python, Django, Flask, FastAPI, React, JS

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nFyBzNMsKYX0ps3JyBMlMpRcTf6...

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/rajasimon

Email: rajasimonio@gmail.com

I have eight years experience building large scale web application and tremendous amount of experience architecting the applications. I'm looking for full time/ long relationship.

Location: Brazil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Negotiable

Technologies: Python, C++, Java, Linux, Git, Tensorflow, Keras

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3g0p3f7d98itrqe/ASilvaCV.pdf?dl=0

Email: See CV

Github: https://github.com/andrecsilva

Solid mathematical skills (Phd. thesis in Topological Graph Theory) and a good amount of experience developing academic/scientific software. Looking either for software development or data scientist roles. I'm fine with Junior positions.

Location: New Jersey Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: React/Redux, Python, NodeJS, Postgres Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ntI1UPZgFnQblU_nEe0icvoXRAn... Email: Kirk.Robert.Snyder@gmail.com About Me: Recent Lambda School bootcamp grad, looking for Junior role. Prefer: Full stack or backend position. I'd love more experience working with databases or building scalable microservice architecture

- Location: Greater New York Area (starting mid November; I'm currently abroad.)

- Remote: No

- Willing to Relocate: Would prefer not to if possible, but would consider it.

- CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9bthx39jtj1p3x7/matthew_cherrey_re...

- Email: matthew@cherrey.org

I'm a new grad with strong technical skills (did a FB SWE internship) and interpersonal skills (led a college club for over 2 years, taught a college level class). I don't have tons of experience, but I am a fast learner and love solving difficult problems.

Location: LA County

Remote: Yes

Relocate: Yes, within LA County

Technologies: MERN Stack, SQL/Postgresql, Ruby/Sinatra, Golang, Docker, Heroku, Linux; Happy to pickup required technologies.

CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s88c-J73T8rLTymXkrAM_qVjm5e...

Email: duot.jim@gmail.com

Hi, my name is James.

I'm a software engineer based in Los Angeles, CA. I'm comfortable learning new languages and picking up necessary technologies.

I am a co-creator and software engineer at Guardrail, an open-source traffic replay tool for testing microservices in isolation.

  Location: Seattle, WA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, HTML, CSS, Git, TypeScript, Java, Python, Kotlin, SQL, MongoDB
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17Wy71uCvAF5JWs0LXztMjJlO6sOL7Bz_/view?usp=sharing
  Email: euglim9@uw.edu
  LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/eugenelim9
** Senior at the University of Washington looking for entry software developer roles. I am interested in the start-up environment; I am currently working on a capstone that's in the process of launching a start-up.

Location: Bangalore (India)

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Django + Django Rest Framework, Javascript, Typescript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Linux, Ansible,

Agile Development, LATEX

What else I Know: Pentesting, Writing a secure code

Résumé/CV: See LinkedIn and/or request via e-mail

Stack Overflow : https://stackoverflow.com/users/2025086/psorab

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavan-sorab-36898858/ (please DM or new connection request)

Email: pavan.sorab@gmail.com

Location: Russia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C#, .Net Core, WPF, WCF, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, nHibernate, Entity Framework, SQL Server, Windows Workflow Foundation, JavaScript, Angular, React, Dart, Flutter, PHP, Delphi, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iwq5Isg80z5CRAMKggF-Akgor6w...

Email: lsreg@outlook.com

I am a software developer with 13 years of experience. Developed web applications, microservices, APIs, desktop and mobile applications. Main skill is Microsoft .Net

Location: US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Rails (10+ years), Javascript (10+ years), Node.js (5+ years), React (2+ years)

Email: sx202x[@]tutanota.com

I am looking for a part time/contract role, ideally as a fractional CTO or a lead developer. I have 10+ years of engineering experience and due to personal reasons no longer looking to work full time. I was a CTO at a 20+ people company start up previously.

My rate is negotiable but around $125-150/hr depending on the project. Please reach out if you are serious. I would be great to either manage a less experienced/offshore dev team few hours a week or do development as a solo developer.

Thank you

Matthew Amidon

I'm a full stack web developer, currently at Facebook. Looking for a fully remote role & team since Facebook is recalling us back to office.

I have previously worked in the payments industry & have extensive experience with AWS.

Location: near Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes (only)

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: C#, Java, Go, Rust, SQL -- Full Stack Web Developer

Github: github.com/mamidon

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KfXLSAvadMBn4vb-3ZeopKv-...

Email: mamidon (at) outlook (dot) com

Location: Seattle

Remote: Please

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, SQL, C/C++, MQTT, ML

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chandlerzach/

Email: zachary.c.me@gmail.com

In addition to technical competency I have years of experience in an industry with a strong reliance on teamwork and clear, open communication. I want to work with teammates to identify real pain-points, engineer solutions, and automate those solutions. Consider me if you want an engineer that will be curious about every aspect of your business.

Location: Europe

Remote: yes

Software Developer in test/SDET/QA with over 8 years of experience, mostly on e-commerce/web/mobile. Have experience in technical management. DevOps/CI

Technologies: c#/.net, typescript/javascript, react, selenium/puppeteer. Any test automation framework. Jenkins/CircleCI/GitHub Actions/TravisCI

Github: https://www.github.com/unickq

Email: unickq@outlook.com

CV: https://unickq.github.io

Location: South Africa

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, preferred

Technologies: C#, SQL, Java, Python, NodeJS, Typescript, React, Angular, Docker, Azure, Teamcity, Linux

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AomScZ4qG5TeQbFm48vYUzac9JM...

Email: ro.devspace@gmail.com

I am full stack and can do whatever is required to ensure that a project is successful. I am especially skilled at implementing new systems and have excellent communication skills.

  Location: PST

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: 4+ yrs professional experience; JS, React, React Native, Python, Node, AWS, Heroku, Dynamo, Mongo, MySQL, Ethereum (Solidity), REST, Docker

  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deejax/

  Email: david <@> callstop <d 0 t > com
I've helped 3 YC companies launch, have worked on and at multiple startups, and have a specific interest/expertise in newer financial technology.

  Location: Moscow
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: Golang, Python, PostgreSQL, ArangoDB, Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gotzmann
  Email: sgotsulyak@gmail.com
I am a backend engineer with 7+ years of total experience and 3+ years with Go and microservices.

Looking for remote job with total compensation of $100К

  Location: Romania, Bucharest or Brasov

  Remote: Yes (Preferred)

  Willing to relocate: No

  Willing to travel for work: Yes(depending on the country)


    - Languages: Solidity, SQL, C#, Powershell, F#, Rust, Typescript, Python, HTML

    - Microsoft: .Net(&Core), Linq, Asp.Net (&Core)

    - Databases: SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Dataphor

    - Testing: Selenium, SqlMap, Owasp Zap, Fiddler

    - In the past: Unity, PHP, MySql, Oracle, Apache Web Server, IIS, Objective-C, Cocoa, C, C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, Java

    - Curious about for the future: HTMX, React, Vue.JS, Julia, Tensorflow, PyTorch, Qt, Electron, Sphinx/Solr/Lucene, Lua, Ada, Neo4J

  Résumé/CV: Please specify if you prefer rich text, plain text, or Europass style. I send personalized resumes on request.

  Email: recruit [at] alexvoda [dot] ro

  Desired position: Senior Developer/Engineering Manager/Software Architect 
I have been employed in software development for almost 10 years and have written code for significantly longer. I am a deep specialist in databases and a good generalist in most other areas. I built myself as a T-shaped developer. I have worked databases, back-end, front-end (web and native, mobile and desktop) and testing throughout my time. With databases, I have experience with everything from relational algebra theory (I studied C.J. Date) to database design and normalization to query, procedure and index optimization. Throughout my career, I have developed a systemic viewpoint and an ability to understand how different components of a project and different teams interact together, all in order to walk the path of technical leadership. As a true engineer, I understand the importance of measuring before changing. Also, I am a sociable person and I have a teaching degree and have taught on numerous occasions with excellent results. Currently I am learning Solidity.

Due to my experience, I am currently aiming for a software architect/engineering manager/team lead role, or a role with growth opportunities toward a similar tech leadership position, a position in which I can grow and polish the skills of colleagues. From a tech stack POV, I am most excited by opportunities to work in Rust and opportunities to work on free open-source software. If you are looking to make the world a better place and need an engineer contact me.

SEEKING WORK, Brazil, Remote OK, c410.f3r (at) gmail.com

  Email: c410.f3r (at) gmail.com
  Location: Brazil
  Remote: Yes
  Résumé/CV: https://c410-f3r.github.io/curriculum.pdf
  Technologies: AngularJS, Assembly (x84_64),C, C++, Docker, Docker Compose, Ember.js, GCP, Golang, Java, JavaScript, Kubernetes, Linux, MongoDB, MySQL, NodeJS, PHP, Polkadot, PostgreSQL, Python, ReactJS, Rust, SQL Server, Smart Contracts, Solidity, Substrate, TypeScript, Vue.js
  Willing to relocate: No
Software engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and over ten years of experience in several technologies and programming languages. There are two fields where I mainly act: (1) DevOps; from database administration and data modeling to back-end programming or front-end design all the way to orchestrated deployment with latest tech and (2) Standalone software; involves embedded development in restrict environments, blockchain applications mostly related to Parity's Substrate and plain command-line interfaces.

On the open-source side of things, I regularly contribute to several projects, helping and communicating with other developers. Take a look at the available coding portfolio in my GitHub profile at https://github.com/c410-f3r where most public collaborations in the last five years were more focused on the Rust Programming Language ecosystem.

Over 40 certified courses have been completed and nine professional certifications that covers a wide range of area were obtained from different organizations, e.g., Linux Foundation and the Blockchain Training Alliance. Learning is very important to keep up with both old and new technologies, my newest certification is the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect and more certifications will be earned over time.

To finish, IT in general is like a living organism that is constantly changing, that is why I am always looking forward for a new challenge to increase knowledge. For example, my proudest project is a constrained NP-problem solver compiled to WASM (https://c410-f3r.github.io/mop-playground) where I spent years reading scientific articles to write efficient data-structures and algorithms.

Location: Guadalajara, Mexico

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C/C++11, Python3, Robotics (ROS1/ROS2, Gazebo, FlexBE), Linux(Ubuntu), Embedded Systems, GIT, Code Review, Agile(Scrum), Unit testing(gtests, rostests).

Resume: (PDF on request)

Email: andrestoga [at] tutanota [dot] com

I'm currently seeking a Robotics Software Engineer position at a Robotics company/startup/institute. My research interests lie in Robot Algorithms, Navigation, Motion Planning and Autonomous Ground Vehicles(AGV). I'm open to all sorts of opportunities, so please reach out!

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Willing to relocate: Yes. Remote: Yes

Technologies: Python, PHP, JavaScript, Swift / iOS, Laravel, AWS, Mysql, DynamoDB, Firebase, PyTorch, Colab

I got a PhD in engineering (informatics related) in the bay area, but then moved on to web and app development, and founded and ran a startup at large scale. I have 10 years of experience building web apps, scaling backends on Amazon Cloud/Google Cloud, and machine learning. Interested in product manager, engineering manager and other manager level positions.

Email: kumarmd@pm.me

Location: Cape Town, South Africa (GMT+2)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment

Technologies: C#/.NET (including .NET core), Node.js, PHP, Python, Wordpress, Shopify, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Docker, Git

Email: hi[at]steventhomas.co.za

Website: https://steventhomas.co.za

I am a experienced Fullstack Developer I am open to remote part time contract opportunities of up to 30 hours/week or for a fixed term (long or short) as a senior developer.

Location: It's Moscow, but I am looking for a job in the UK.

Remote: Yes, but with relocation

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java/Kotlin, but I am willing to move to another back-end stack

Résumé/CV: https://storozhenko.dev/cv (go to https://storozhenko.dev/cv.pdf for PDF)

Email: hn@storozhenko.dev

I am a strong back-end engineer with 7+ years of experience. I like getting things done.

Location: Oklahoma

Remote: yes, ideally

Willing to relocate: no


- Python (Flask, NumPy, BeautifulSoup etc.)

- Haskell, Rust

- HTML/CSS/JS, Bootstrap

- SQL (SQLite), Redis, Neo4j

Resume: https://celeste.exposed/resume/

Email: parafactual@gmail.com

Hi! I'm Celeste. I'm 16 and self-taught - so have no professional history - but have graduated and am looking for internships or other ways to gain initial work experience in lieu of a degree. I'm not looking for any particular field or role but am able to learn quickly.

I went to your personal website and would recommend updating the about page.

I forgot I had linked it; thanks.

Location: Montana, USA

Remote: Yes (Only)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Javascript, NodeJS, SQL, CSS, HTML, C, Linux, Docker.

Short(ened) list of other technologies I've worked with: Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Docker, Clojure, ClojureScript, Racket, Datomic, Dynamo, Python, PHP, Git, Salesforce, PostgreSQL, Salt Stack, Ansible, NGINX, Elastic Search, MySQL, Riak, Django, Mithril, Serverless, React, Vue.JS

Résumé/CV: 13yrs of professional experience, start ups, fortune 500s, engineering manager, consultant, multiple stints as CTO.

Email: contact@jordanschatz.com

Location: Gwangju, South Korea

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes(USA preferred)

Technologies: Html,CSS,JavaScript, NodeJS, MongoDB, React, Powerpoint, Word, Windows, Linux, NPM, Git

Resume/CV: https://flowcv.io/resume/feedback/6NKV3KVNJkW8


Email: jrmcgee@asu.edu

Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: Yes, preferred


- Backend: Node.Js, Python3, Hapi.Js, Fastify, Express, Sockets.io, Flask, FastApi, PHP

- Frontend: React, Svelte, jQuery, Bootstrap, Sass, Webpack, Parcel, ESBuild, Rollup, Babel

- DevOps: Ubuntu, Gitlab CI/CD, nginx, varnish cache, supervisord, bash, pm2, MongoDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Docker

- Other: Redis, Jest, Storybook, React Testing Library, Git, SVN, puppeteer

Resume: On request

GitHub: https://github.com/navxio

Email: navdeep at mailbox dot org

Hello, can you send your resume to careers@merklescience.com?

Location: Iran, Tehran

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate:Yes


Frontend: JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Vue.js, Jest, Jasmine, Sass, CSS, HTML5

Fullstack: Python, Django

Database: MySQL, MS SQL

Version Control: Git

DevOps: Github Actions, Linux Bash, Docker

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ehsan-abdekhodaie-94a32246/

Github: https://github.com/ehsabd/

Email: ehsabd at outlook dot com

Location: Washington, DC

Remote: yes (preferred)

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: React/Angular, Typescript, Node, Python, Design, Business Analysts, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, SQL Server

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ0vLveNjzmr8rf_...

Email: Joshua Loerakker

Location: Paris, France

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: React (+ Next.js), React Native (+ Expo), Node.js (+ Nest.js), TypeScript, GraphQL (+ Hasura), PostgreSQL, AWS, Vercel, and more

Résumé: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14icGX2AF2qdFJ9Vw7osJjShY8jU...

Email: axeldelafosse@gmail.com

Hey HN -- I'm a YC alum and I'm now looking for my next adventure!

Location: Baltimore, MD Remote: Yes (Preferred)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, SQL, Linux, Docker

Résumé/CV: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Aq3bHD_1yf2h-T-13s8syFdU_F25

Email: alexanderjbuck@gmail.com

I generally work on Java backends, I have also have done some interesting work with vehicle classification and personnel scheduling. Have also learned R, Rust and React for various projects.

Location: Columbus, OH / Elkgrove Village, IL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Git, Express, MongoDB

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R9j21agkwtxlNFwDEL4X-aiGT9X...


I'm looking for work near Chicago area but I'm also open to remote work.

Location: LA/SF Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Javascript, NodeJS, Golang, Python, Ruby, Lua, React/Redux, MongoDB, SQL, PostgreSQL, Git, Docker, Linux, HTTP, REST

Résumé/CV: www.jimzhe.dev/assets/resumes/Jimmy_Zheng_Resume_2021v3.pdf

Email: (in the resume)

Personal website: www.jimzhe.dev

I have just wrapped up an open-source feature flag management system called Pioneer (pioneer-io.github.io).

As someone who can wear many hats, I am looking for backend/system engineer positions!

Location: Cambridge, MA

Willing to relocate: Yes

Website w/ links to Github, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, etc: https://joecummings.me


I'm a ML Research Engineer w/ 3+ years of research and development experience in the NLP field. Looking to work on difficult problems that have a positive impact in the world.

Technologies: Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, HuggingFace, SpaCy, AWS, SQL, Airflow, Bash

Location: Kansas City

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JS/TS, Go, Rust, cli, and more. Spent ~4 years in the crypto space and want something different. Emacs aficionado.

Resume/CV: https://www.bytedude.com/resume/ (Outdated. Have multiple areas of ownership at my current job.) Professional, hard-working, on top of things, quick learner.

Email: marcin@realemail.net

Location: Denver

Remote: Sure

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Dart, C/C++, x86/64, Matlab, Rust [learning], Flutter, Postgres, GoTrue, Git, OpenFOAM, Solidworks, Fusion 360, Creo Parametric, Inventor, COMSOL, Machining, Carbon Fiber, 3D printing, Laser Cutting

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-amin/

Email: christine.t.amin@gmail.com

Location: Chicago

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (anywhere U.S or Germany)

Demo: https://hasanqazi.me

Technologies: JavaScript, Python, C# (https://github.com/hasanqazi)

Résumé/CV: https://hasanqazi.me/resume-h.pdf

Email: hasanahmedhaf@gmail.com

Location: Metro D.C. area

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Java, Python, PHP, Linux, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL

Résumé/CV: https://nearlysmart.com/resume/DarrelDavis.pdf

Email: darrel@davisware.net

25 years experience in many technologies. Experience in working with/in US Fed govt. My preferred situation would be contract W2 but can entertain different options.

  Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina. GMT-3
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: NodeJs, React, Typescript, Docker, SQL, AWS (SQS, SNS, Lambda).
  Résumé/CV: https://tinyurl.com/87tu8w94
Full Stack developer. I love delivering complete features and taking full advantege of Cloud solutions. Experience includes ThreeJS (with react three fiber).

Pinged you through LinkedIn.

Location: Vienna / Austria / Europe (UTC+02:00)

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Methodologies: CTO work | team management | agile development | SCRUM | Kanban

Technologies: Django | Python | Docker | AWS | ElasticSearch | PostgreSQL

CV: https://anton-pirker.at/

Email: anton@ignaz.at

I can be a fresh set of eyes for your team or a sparring partner for the CTO. I also can be your CTO until you find one.

Project based preferred.

Location: Latin America (GMT-4)

Remote: Only

Languages: Native English/Spanish, some French

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment

Technologies: Vue, React, Typescript, Express, Laravel, AWS

I am an experienced Fullstack Dev, based in Latin America. Open to remote part time contracts, in any of the above. Please feel free to contact me. Currently I hold the title of Tech Lead at my current position, just looking to do some extra work on the side.

Email: cristian dot segovia at zohomail dot com

Location: United States

Remote: Yes (Onsite preferred)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Javascript, Typescript, Python, SQL, Java, C++, PHP, Git, React, Redux, Node.js, Electron, Docker, Firebase, AWS.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QZhoQ54tPk19hw2tv65JiLyaTHR...

Email: quang.lam2807@gmail.com

Location: Anywhere

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Rust, Ruby, JS/TS, React, Cloud infra

Résumé/CV: https://ldk.dev | https://cv.ldk.dev

Email: logan@logankoester.com

Full stack development, 10+ years exp. Please no blockchain or mobile applications. Freelance work available at $200/hr. Max 40 hours per week.

I'm available as a freelancer, up to 30h per week.

Location: Liège, Belgium

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Web (Flask, VueJS, Play Framework), embedded (C/C++), SQL/PostgreSQL, Linux/UNIX, Python, Scala, Haskell


   - Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphaelj/
   - GitHub: https://github.com/RaphaelJ/

Email: raphael [at] noisycamp . com

  Location: EU

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Maybe, after pandemic

  Technologies: TypeScript, nodejs, GCP, Firebase, React, BigQuery, Java, Postgres

  Résumé/CV: on request (10+ years of experience, staff software engineer, team leader, startup experience)

  Email: anthpcutout@gmail.com

I'm looking for a new adventure in a product company.

Location: Tennessee, United States

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Responsive HTML & CSS, Sass, Vanilla JavaScript, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Vuetify, Shopify, Liquid, Firebase, Node.js

Résumé/CV: https://derick.work/

Email: derick.realwebdev+hnhired@gmail.com

Hi, I'm a remote front-end JavaScript developer with 5+ years experience, especially with UIs.

I look forward to your email.

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, React.js, Next.js, Git, TypeScript, PHP, WordPress, Node, MongoDB, SCSS, Tailwind,PostgreSQL, GraphQL

Résumé/CV: Available on request

Email: logan@logangbrock.me

-- A few years under the belt as a software engineer and looking to explore opportunities where I can demonstrate my skills in turning a simple idea into a real-world application.

  Location: Asia
  Remote: only
  Willing to relocate: Sweden or Norway only
  Technologies: Ocaml, Haskell, Scala3
  Résumé/CV: https://karma-engineering.com/lab/
  Email: lngnmn1@gmail.com
I am good at FP and problem solving. Could easily fight top guys here.

I can do lots of different things remotely. This is age of remote, isn't it.

hi. I'm available to work with startups (seed, A, B). Very experienced w/ building VC-backed products and efficient teams (people, process, product). Deep tech, computer vision (ml), mobile, fintech, crypto, nft, etc. Can scale down/up: advisory to IC to leadership. Looking to work with emerging leaders.

  Location: SF Bay
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Javascript / Typescript (Node, deno, VueJS / React), Python (Pandas, Numpy, Scikit), Solidity, Lua, Go, Kotlin, ObjC / Swift / SwiftUI, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Keras, Colab, CoreML, OpenCV, Google Cloud, Docker, HTML, SCSS, Webpack, git, Maya, Autodesk, Blender (many others)
  Design: Sketch, Figma, Framer Adobe Creative, Screenflow
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terryzmartin https://angel.co/u/tzmartin https://dribbble.com/tzmartin
  Email: in bio (he/him)

Location: Denver, CO USA

Remote: Yes (local OK too)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: N/A -- business side of the house, work well in highly technical environments

Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/2Y8zEn6

Email: nolsonwhite at gmail dot com

Strategy thru execution / operations / change mgmt for SaaS companies. Happy to talk to other types of businesses as well!

Location: Prishtina, Kosovo

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Would consider Berlin

Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript/ES6, Node.js, NestJS, React, Microservices, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Apollo, AWS. A product-minded generalist.

Résumé/CV: https://www.toptal.com/resume/denat-hoxha

Email: denat.hoxha+hackernews@gmail.com

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, after discussion

Technologies: 1+ yrs experience: JS, React, Apollo/GraphQL, Material-UI, HTML, CSS, Familiar with Node, MongoDB, Typescript, Jest

Résumé: available upon request, https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterswkang/

Email: peeterkang@gmail.com

Location: New York, NY

Remote: Yes (preferred)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Javascript,Python, HTML/CSS, React, Node.js, Express.js, AutoCAD, MySQL, MongoDB

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14vPg3perkWksQP-RSsL6DRcH8p3...

Email: rodygomes401@gmail.com

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (Anywhere)

Technologies: JAVA, Python Django + Rest framework, React/html/css, RestfulAPI, OOP

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rushabhpancholi/

Résumé/CV: Refer LinkedIn

Email: rushabh988@gmail.com

Seeking: Junior Developer Role, open to adapting new tech.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML/CSS, JavaScript (jQuery, ReactJS, Angular), PHP, ASP.NET (C# and Visual Basic), SQL (MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL), Python, Mobile SDK (Android SDK, Objective C, Flutter, React Native)

Résumé/CV: https://ckportfolio.com/cv

Email: riskun@gmail.com

For the past 8 years, I've been doing a mix of analytics, advanced analytics, and applied data science. My main interests are automation, data visualization, and forecasting.

Blog: mathewanalytics.com

Instagram: @abe_lifts

Twitter: @abmathewks

Code Samples: gist.github.com/abmathewks

Side Hustle: https://golytix.com/

Open to relocation, but remote preferred

Location: Washington, D.C. Metro Area

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, HTML, and CSS

Resume/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e_ertZSauHJY8YDH9vyUxnCR...

Email: leeduan19@gmail.com

Location: UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Navision/NAV/Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP systems, SQL, PowerBI

Résumé/CV: on request

Email: aquir@protonmail.com

Languages: English, Hungarian

I am working with ERP system for 15 years, I am very experienced in system integration, business processes, performance troubleshooting, training and software architecture. Customer facing, good team player with management experience

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Typescript, Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, Firebase, Node.js

Résumé/CV: https://gourav.io

Email: hey@gourav.io

Exp: 7 yrs

I'm an indie hacker and have built multiple side projects which are being used by thousands pf people worldwide.

Currently bootstrapping my 2nd start-up. Meanwhile, looking for part time work to earn side-income.

Location: Edinburgh, UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: React, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, GraphQL, REST, HTML5, CSS3, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, PHP, Perl, SQL

Résumé/CV: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AusItvVCO-zsgeUVj-eDReOaRjaT8g

Email: righter.barrows0z@icloud.com

Location: Los Angeles

Resume/Email: https://internal.harrisonleece.info

Remote: Yes

Relocation: No

I am looking for work in robotics, architecture, additive manufacturing or high density and efficient agriculture enterprise. I would also be down for Aerospace Engineering work, but only if its interesting work.

Location: United States

Remote: Required

Willing to relocate: Not for work


    Thoroughly ingrained in my muscle memory and cursed to remember til the end of my days: Modern C++, Vim (listed for cultural reasons)

    Good enough for government work: Python3 (with type-hints/mypy, PLEASE), SQL

    I can be more or less productive in: TypeScript/React/HTML/CSS, C#

    Middle-school Latin level: Common Lisp

    Forgotten: every piece of syntax I've ever learned of Haskell

    Interested in mastering on the job: Common Lisp, Haskell, Forth, Smalltalk, Rust
Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uta8dp1r9tvg19j/Iris%20Chase%20Res...

Email: "iris" aat "enesda.com"

I've been a bedroom coder for years trying to start a company on my own. Never had a mentor/teacher, one of my greatest skills is my ability to solve problems independently. I treated it like a job, and never made excuses to avoid a challenging problem. The flip-side is a lack of collaborative experience, which I'm not proud of. I didn't specifically avoid it, it just never happened and I'm here looking to change that.

I'm more interested in working with friendly people than "changing the world". I'm no Luddite, but I will passionately defend the old way if I think it makes more sense. I'm very "anti-trendy" but at the same time will jump on the bandwagon if, again, it makes sense. I'm a pragmatist first and foremost (well I might be a purist first but in spite of that I try to be a pragmatist foremost).

As far as tech, I... Don't really care. I know right??? But I mean, everything has it's pros and cons, the right tool for the job is just so much more important than the tool itself. The only thing I'd flip my lid over is the ability to work in Common Lisp (throwing in Clojure for my Ctrl-f gang, hi!) because it really is just so different. I definitely have preferences for what I'd like to do, but it's more of an "I'll know it when I see it" thing than any particular tech stack. I just like programming, high-level or low-level, it's all just fun to me.

So yeah, I'm just a generalist, looking for a challenge! :)

  Location: Frankfurt, Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes (but can't)
  Technologies: Anything Linux desktop (i did 12 years full-stack web-dev, and it was pretty boring;P)
  Demo: https://osku.de/mo
  Code: https://github.com/oskude
  Email: andre.osku.schmidt@gmail.com

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: For the right offer. But for internships, no.

Technologies: React, Nodejs, Express, CSS

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14lDsL1PzQRveqc2q78JvHG-lAy-...

Email: bonnie.developer@gmail.com

Location: Houston,Texas Remote: Only remote Willing to relocate: Unlikely Technologies: Javascript, Nodejs, Typescript, Angular, HTML, CSS, SCSS, .Net Core, SQL, ORM, Express, Linux, Bash, Python, Serverless, Docker, Podman, Kubernetes. Résumé/CV: upon request Email: Can be found on my website Website: bilalkhoukhi.com

Location: Charlottesville, Virginia Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, Python, Go, HTML, CSS, Node, Express, React+Redux, SQL, Postgres, MongoDB, AWS (IAM, Kinesis, S3, Lambda, SNS, Timestream)

Résumé/CV: https://peterdelia.com/resume

Email: petertdelia@gmail.com

Location: Bay Area,

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Figma, AdobeXD, ProtoPie, Photoshop

Portfolio: itmade.me

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luciannovo/

Email: lucian.novo@gmail.com

I love creating realistic and engaging Prototypes using the latest design technology. Let me know how I can help.

Location: Barcelona, Spain Remote: 100%

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: ReactJS, React Native, Webflow. Integrations we have worked with: GatsbyJS, Mapbox, Google Maps, QR codes, OCR, Firebase, Netlify, Netlify CMS, Stripe, WebFlow, etc.

Resume/CV: https://alamedadev.com

Email: hola@alamedadev.com

Location: Boston, MA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Linux, AWS, Ansible, Gitlab CI, Prometheus/Grafana, Nginx, Docker, OpenVPN & IPSec, Bash, Python

Résumé/CV: https://www.danabucci.net/s/Dana-Bucci-Resume-2021.pdf

Email: dana@danabucci.net

Location: Baltimore, MD


Willing to relocate: Yes.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL



Location: Barcelona, Spain

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript/TypeScript, NodeJS, GraphQL, React, NextJS, NestJS, Apollo, etc..

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/agustif/me/blob/master/cv.pdf

Email: me@agusti.me

link doesn't work mate. :)

Fixed, had the repo as private. Thanks for letting me know!

Python/Django Developer

  Technologies: Python, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker
  Location: Poland
  Remote: yes
  Willing to travel: yes
  Willing to relocate: maybe
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dchoruzy/
  E-Mail: dariusz [at] choruzy.com

  Location: India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Résumé: gnanesh.me/resume.pdf
  Email: gnaneshkunal [at] outlook.com
  Github: https://github.com/GnaneshKunal
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gnanesh-kunal/
  Technologies: Python, Golang, Typescript, Rust, React, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Postgres, Cypher Query, Distributed Systems, Cloud computing, OpenTelemetry
I have been doing Golang, TypeScript and Python professionally, mostly targeting Backend development. I have led JavaScript to Typescript migration of frontend and took complete responsibility to add multiple enterprise backend modules with test driven approach. Furthermore, I tend to be a T-shaped person with the core in full-stack/backend and consistently learning leadership skills. I understand database internals and actively contribute to Redis ecosystem. Properly skilled with distributed technologies and cloud native patterns. Currently working for a fintech company.

NOTE: I'm available only for contract/part-time work.

Location: Philadelphia

Remote: Yes

Contract: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not until 2023

Preferred stack: node, MongoDB/DynamoDB, Angular/Svelte.

20 years of experience in the financial industry, so intimately familiar with just about everything related to banking. Other than that I love computation-heavy simulations, computer vision and natural language processing.

Email: 01abokov@gmail.com

Digital health and telehealth leader

Location: Boston

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Fractional CGO/CPO, Strategy Consulting, Revenue Optimization, Split Testing, MVPs

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rancar2

Email: randycarlton+hn@gmail.com

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Depends

Technologies: Firefox & Chrome extension developer, browser extensions, WebExtensions, Vanilla JS

Résumé/CV: https://www.hemantpawar.com/Hemant.CV.pdf

Email: hemant@hemantpawar.com

Location: Oregon, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Rust, JavaScript (React & Node), HTML, CSS, Java, C# (ASP.NET MVC), SQL, C++

Résumé/CV: http://agamecoder.com/resume/

Email: andrew.bowers@agamecoder.com

Location: Toronto/Ontario

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node, React Native, Rust, HTML,CSS, JSON

Resume/CV: https://www.nickasync.codes/#/

Email: nicktomthomas@zohomail.eu

Location: Macon, GA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: C89, C99, C11, D, Java, Lua, LISP, FORTH... just about everything.

Resume: https://invicious.net/resume.pdf

Email: cclements@invicious.net

  Location: Toronto, Canada
  Remote: Open to
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: C, Python, shell, Linux, git
  Résumé/CV: https://www.alxu.ca/resume/
  Email: see resume

  Location: Seattle, WA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, GraphQL
  Résumé/CV: Will send on request
  Email: JackStunning9001@gmail.com

  Location: Karachi, Pakistan

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Technologies: Python / Django, React, AWS

  Résumé/CV: https://kashifaziz.me/kashif-aziz-cv.pdf

Location: Berlin Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: React, JS, Typescript, HTML, CSS, NodeJS, Git Résumé/CV: www.linkedin.com/in/manoovau/ Email: m-noel@hotmail.es

Location: Dallas, TX

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, React, Java, C#

Résumé/CV: http://michellephillips.me

Email: michellenicolephillips A T gmail

Location: Columbus, Ohio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Ruby

Résumé: linkedin.com/in/cory-schimmoeller (Full resume on request)

Email: coryschimmoeller (at) gmail (dot com)

Location: NSW, Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS, ReactNative, Typescript, Redux, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, PHP, WordPress, Java

Email: contact@patrickflynn.com.au

REMOTE SR developer / SR Full Stack Engineer with a penchant for sysadmin/devops role

  Location: Zagreb, Croatia (EU, CET)
  Remote: 100%
  Willing to travel: yes
  Willing to relocate: no
  Languages: Croatian (Native), English (fluent)
  E-mail: hn ->at<- incito.hr
  Available full time or part time
Hello HN!

I've been online since BBS/Trumpet Winsock days, landing my first dev job way back in 2000. Since then I've done a lot, seen a lot, and built a lot - I've been fully remote since 2007. On several occasions I've built apps from scratch, by doing analysis of business processes on-site and delivering apps that bring order to chaos. Performance monitoring and optimizations are my favorites these days. Willng to do on-call night shifts for PST/EST.


Fullstack (Frontend, backend, APIs, server apps) Favorites: php, .net (c# or vb.net, web/desktop), vue, jquery Hosting: bare-metal, Hetzner, Linode, Leaseweb, AWS Databases: MySQL, MSSQL DevOps: Ansible, QEMU, HAproxy, ProxySQL

CV and past project specifics available on request.

Location: Malaysia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React / React Native

Résumé/CV: harithzahid.com

Email: mharith.dev@gmail.com

Location: Liverpool, England

Remote: Yes (Remote only)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET, SQL Server/MySQL/MongoDB/EventStoreDB/Redis, RabbitMQ/Kafka, CQRS/Event Sourcing, Azure/AWS.

Résumé/CV: http://cv.craigtp.co.uk

Email: craig [at] craigtp.co.uk

Hi. I'm Craig. I'm an experienced Senior Software Engineer, Systems Architect and Microsoft Certified Professional with a passion for software development.

I work primarily, but not exclusively, with Microsoft technologies and the .NET / .NET Core frameworks, leading complex and challenging enterprise software development projects to successfully deliver robust, secure, scalable and efficient software solutions, encompassing over 20 years of experience in the field.

An accomplished team leader, mentor and architect, I'm skilled at taking a leading role in the overall architecture of a project, in driving team developments and employing proven industry disciplines and best-practices to deliver successful software projects that frequently exceed client expectations.

I'm passionate about distributed systems design, CQRS and event sourcing and a proponent of domain-driven design to ensure that solutions are laser-focused on solving real business problems. I'm an open source enthusiast and advocate using the best and most appropriate tools available, providing for an effective and pragmatic solution that delivers genuine and quantifiable business value.

Throughout my career I've helped numerous businesses of varying sizes in varying industries get their technology investment right and I can do the same for you.

Recent projects include:

+ Successfully delivered large section of an ambitious project to re-engineer a number of monolithic applications to cloud-native, event-driven distributed services for a leading hospitality software provider as part of a company-wide effort to modernise entire software estate including training and mentoring staff on event-driven architecture and distributed system design.

+ Successfully designed & delivered large, global SaaS product to manage and automate music royalty collection and payment for one of the UK's largest and most demanding independent music publishers including full cloud geo-distribution & redundancy to ensure high availability & reliability for the worldwide client base.

+ Successfully lead project to develop industry leading anti-motor fraud web application and API with advanced OLAP & OLTP system and data warehouse including one of Europe's largest anti-fraud databases for a Top 40 UK law firm.

+ Successfully lead project to deliver a market-leading, best-of-breed corporate travel management web & desktop-based product suite for a company who, largely as a result of the technology, were later acquired in a multi-million pound deal.

REMOTE SR Software Architect / SR Full Stack Engineer with Golang/Kubernetes Focus

  Location: Berlin, Germany
  Remote: at least 70%
  Remote availability: Worldwide
  Current preferences:
  Kubernetes, Golang, Kubernetes Operators, Ci/CD, Containers and automating everything
  Willing to travel: yes
  Willing to relocate: no
  Languages: German (Native), English (Fluent)
  LinkedIn: www.hoelzel.it
  Validated CV: https://elite.mvpfactory.co/resume/johannes-U2opq-6U9E
  E-Mail: hn [at] hoelzel.it
Hey I am Johannes and I talk to humans and machines!

I grew up with the internet, uploaded my first websites to geocities, was tech-admin of a lot of bulletin boards and have been doing professional code since 2003. After trying to build my first start-up in 2006 I realised that they just won’t come only because I built it. Therefore, I have a bachelor economical psychology, which helps me immensely with team leadership but also allows me to view the product from multiple perspectives.

Since then I have been freelancing with the exceptions of 6 years where I have been exclusively working with one of germanies biggest conference companies to establish their internal and external tech products as well as their IT department. This was the beginning of leading and hiring diverse international teams for me, therefore kanban, scrum and design thinking are not foreign to me. Some I have even taught to clients, when I wear my consultant hat.

That hat also enables me to train others in what I have learned, makes me easygoing as a person and also not afraid of talking to other departments or clients. Overall I have 7 years of hands on (mid level) CTO experience but never really stoped coding since I was 11. I currently specialise in Golang, Kubernetes and how to best make them work together. I write minimal containers with distroless, build clusters from scratch, know my GitOps (also how to set them up) and currently like to play with the kubernetes api directly through the official go-client or the operator sdk among much more. I believe the kubernetes API is the actual key to multitenant deployments as well as more refined scaling techniques.

I started working when Servers where still mostly dedicated, have lived the revolution of virtual servers, made a short stop at serverless tech and am now invested in the kubernetes ecosystem and its containers. My preferred cloud is AWS, but I have worked on others and also like to tame bare-metal and everything in-between. I love solving difficult issues and do most of my work in development containers.

All this makes me perfect if you are looking for someone with seniority, that is flexible, plays well with others but also likes to get his hands dirty.


  Fullstack (Frontend, Backend, APIs, Daemons)
  Favorites: Golang, JavaScript, PHP
  Cloud / X-Cloud : AWS, Azure, Hetzner, OVH, Bare-Metal
  Databases: MySQL , MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Redis
  DevOps: Ansible, Puppet, Bash, Rancher
  Server: Kubernetes, Docker (Swarm), Bare-Metal, Fargate, Serverless
  Windows Server, Windows Network, Active Directory
  Location networking, VPN (Wireguard, Software, MS-VPN)
  Jira / Redmine / Trello

Location: New York City, U.S.S.A

Remote: YES Willing to relocate: No Way Jose!

Technologies: C# (10yrs) NodeJS (3yrs) Golang (3 yrs) ... mysql, prostgress, vuejs, Docker,Linux, Git, I have 20 years experience... I don't want to drop tech adjectives here.... its a long bloody list :)

Resume: on request. email: irishgeoff@yahoo.com

I am looking for a position that I can get my intellectual teeth into, and a painless hiring process!

Location: Greensboro NC

Remote: either or

Willing to relocate: yea

Technologies: computational math, geometric algebra, physics, Julia, Wolfram, Fortran, C#, python, Gnu/Linux, etc etc, etc

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/chakravala

Email: private

By the way, we made this tool to search/digest this thread with https://hirehackernews.com

If anyone has any feedback on it, plz share!


This appears to have been meant for the 'Who wants to be hired?' thread rather than this one. I didn't see your company listed over there, so I figured I'd give you a heads-up by way of a comment.

Indent | San Francisco, New York, Remote | https://indent.com

At Indent, we’re working to make it possible for companies to safeguard the data they’re entrusted with, while still delivering high quality product experiences. Help us make that a reality.

Indent replaces legacy access control workflows with a modern experience, making access control faster and safer for teams. Our product enables simple, fast access requests & reviews.

We’re looking to work with folks who are interested in building and operating infrastructure that serves as a platform for immediate product goals and future-facing possibilities. We went on Software Engineering Daily to talk about some of our tech and architecture (https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/2020/07/28/access-contr...) if you’d like to hear our thinking behind some of those decisions.

Learn about Indent's key values: https://keyvalues.com/indent

Check out our open roles at Indent here: https://indent.com/jobs

Tech Stack: Go, Cadence/Temporal, Presto, Flink, Kubernetes, Terraform, Next.js, React, TypeScript

If you're interested in learning more, feel free to apply on https://indent.com/jobs or send us an email at hiring@indent.com. Looking forward to talking!

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