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200+ Soundscapes Handcrafted by an Audio Engineer (mynoise.net)
56 points by scanny on Sept 29, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I've been a long time user of this service and find myself using it to routinely achieve a productive state of Flow with noise cancelling headphones.

My config: Binaural Beat Machine [1] / Binaural Harmonics [2] set to Focus (separate tabs), combined with one or multiple relaxing noise like Irish Coast [3] (opened in additional tabs) to muffle the sound of the Binaural noise(s).

[1] https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/binauralBrainwaveGenerator...

[2] https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/pureBinauralBrainwaveGener...

[3] https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/windSeaRainNoiseGenerator....

Super interesting. Is there a primer on the theory around binaural and isochronic tones? This is just about one minor feature of the whole amazing site, so just a niche interest fro me: but I had mentally categorized those things in the parapsychological box of sympathetic magic, even after spending some time tracking down examples of them and other sounds that yield ostensibly physiological responses in new age music, drone, etc.

I love this site. The options are amazing, and it gets even better when you mix it up. Plus, the equalizer-style mixer gives you a lot of control over anything you find distracting (i.e. Don't like the buzzing bees? Want more thunder? Prefer to sound like you're indoors instead of outdoors? Just adjust the sliders). If you really like it, a small donation gets you priority on the downloads.

There's a popup on this site on enabling hover sounds in Chrome. Is there a similar setting in Firefox?

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