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Between two evils, in the last two decades the US invaded two countries and killed million innocent people for oil, meanwhile China didn’t.

It would be perfectly possible to be a chinese shill in an american site like hackernews, spreading chinese propaganda e misinformation all day long, while living in the US.

Try to do the same, but spreading american propaganda, in a chinese forum, while living in China.

It would be perfectly possible to cooperate with some random company from eg Iran, while living in China.

Try to do the same while living in the US.

Which is to say - your point being? Is being able to efficiently spread misinformation and propaganda really such an important factor?

Ah, the misleading comparison. We are talking about freedom of expression and then you conveniently conflate it with the freedom to have work or business relationships with an enemy or sanctioned foreign entity. The original point still apply, you have freedom in the USA to defend and express your favorable opinion even when this goes counter the government interests. You could even protest against the us military during a war. You can do this in China unlike you really want to be imprisoned and tortured. China is a dictatorship. América is a democracy. Sure, there are plenty of abuse from the police, the federal government, but those abuses once exposed and questioned in the court of law, have severe consequences for their perpetrators. China engages routinely in torture, censorship and genocide, a truly criminal state.

Never heard of Snowden, eh? :-D

> US invaded two countries and killed million innocent people for oil

Seems crazy to do that since we’ve got so much we export the stuff now.

What countries are you talking about? Iraq? China was the big winner regarding oil production there.

Afghanistan? What oil?

It was not for the oil it was to make sure that the oil would continue to be traded in US dollars if you ask me. Trade happening in dollars is something the US can control. Maybe 10~15 years ago I would say the Euro was a possible alternative to the dollar but in 2021 and the spinelessness of brussels its pretty much the dollar with a different stamp on it.

The US didn't invade countries and kill millions of people, and the US gained absolutely nothing in terms of natural resources including Oil. Iraqi Oil contracts went to European players like Total. There is no Oil or anything else of material value in Afghanistan.

Lol. The US - mostly the weapons industry - made billions. It doesn’t matter if the federal government didn’t.

Lol. It's conspiracy theories that US Imperialism is driven by defence contractors who can 'make a few billion'. They obviously err on one side of the equation, and can have some influence but they are not the drivers of anything. The Defence Establishment is well aware of the cost of war, they're more likely than the White House to be be realistic about engagements.

The cost doesn’t matter, it’s just taxpayer money. What matters is the wealth gained by decision makers and their proponents, such as the industry.

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