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Way back I interned at Nokia-Siemens-Networks, before they were sold to Nokia. I wondered two things: How do these people think they can compete with the Chinese? And why is the EU giving all the orders to the Chinese?

Still not sure what the answers are, but I'd really like to have "local" suppliers for critical infrastructure and hardware.

The CCP is requiring Chinese banks to fund Huawei customers with extremely cheap financing terms.

So HW competes on their own terms - and apparently they are a good 'one stop shop' combined with the Chinese mentality of 'always saying yest to everything' - but then you add in hugely generous 'no money down' financing provided by entities acting in concert with foreign policy, and you have something awesome.

BT can rollout a massive new network while paying for it much later.

Arguably, this sort of financing should be regarded as a trade violation. There's nothing wrong with Chinese banks offering those terms, but when it's coordinated/mandated by the government, and, the Central Bank is politicized for this reason, it's a form of economic dumping.

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