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Imagine being so brainwashed as to think the two Michaels were anything but tourists and expats living in a foreign country, they had lives friends and family in China with no reason to be spies.

One of them was a great friend of SerpentZa and C-Milk, and a contributing factor for running out of China for them.

haha fine, say they weren't spies then. I don't know 100%. My main point is that Meng was detained for BS reasons. So sure, I'm fine with the story that China detained two Canadians without cause, because that does not detract at all - why can Canada/the US do this but China cannot?

what I see is the US not getting away with the strong-arm tactics its accustomed to, and I applaud it.

False equivalency. The company/Meng broke US laws, ones which were actually on the books. If Huawei wants to operate in the US it is subject to US laws. Meanwhile the Canadian hostages broke no laws, they were simply convenient political pawns.

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