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everyone keeps saying loyalty like people sign blood pacts with the CCP or something. it's no different from companies abiding by US laws (and provide backdoors etc) in order to stay operating.

it's not loyalty or some secret pact. it's just them acting in their best interest to follow regulations (however dubious) in order to keep making money.

While it may not be a literal blood pact with the government, there have been numerous accounts of Chinese (ex)-citizens being coerced into taking actions under the threat of harm to their family and relatives that remain on the main-land.

Blood pact is a poor choice of wording, but not too far off from the reality. Perhaps blood-line persuasion is better?

The difference is in the structuring of the 'law' and government, which are very different between those countries. I put 'law' in quotations because from my perspective, US citizen, CCP's form of government doesn't work within anything similar to a framework of democracy, rights, and founding principles like the US.

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