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The NSA has been hacking Huawei for years. If it had anything concrete, it would have shared it years ago rather than forcing its NATO allies to dump Huawei based on vagueries like "I know we wiretapped your chancellor, but trust us, Huawei is evil, we're just not going to prove it to you".


> If it had anything concrete, it would have shared it years ago

1) This is the NSA. They only talk when attention serves their goals.

2) They may well have, just not with you. We have no idea what conversations have happened amongst NATO members (let alone among 5 Eyes).

We do know for fact that GCHQ called NSA’s backdoor claims bullshit.

> we're just not going to prove it to you

How do you know there is no proof? Unlike some dimwitted administrators, the US doesn't have a policy of disclosing actively classified information.

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