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This is, of course, pure politics with no meat or foundation in reality. If they are exchanged with equipment like Cisco or other US made (well, designed) products it is a big step backwards. Not only do they have a much worse proven track-record (especially Cisco) but no US manufacture (and really no EU either that I have heard of) can match Huawei in getting your own custom stuff pushed through to release. I have never heard someone from the industry acknowledge anyone beating Huawei in R&D and time to deliver custom requests to code or hardware. They are light-years ahead of most other manufactures in those areas IMO and if they were a US company everyone would praise them (they still do but not too loudly). They are like Ubiquiti - before they started to suck.

Not only that, but Cisco has acquired so many Chinese companies that they are practically Chinese at this point. Working in one of their US government cloud environments, we were constantly talking internally about the odd changes coming from their China-based employees but superiors didn't seem to care.

Well you started to support local suppliers with real dough, which is a start. The real question is, is Nokia or whoever can grab the opportunity and put down more cash on RnD?

You would have to be far, far more specific in what areas they are "light-years ahead". Huawei are nothing approaching light-years ahead in the areas this programs is targeting, they're just cheaper. The primary complaint from small ISPs wasn't that Cisco or Arista or Calix or insert vendor don't have competing or even better products, it's that they are "too expensive".

Maybe in a small deployment, yes, but in bigger deployments the price is not the main point. If you need a specific software fix pushed through quickly, good luck if you have US made equipment. Even when (if) you succeed it is often fixed by Chinese or other Asian coders anyway. It is insanity.

So you don't have a specific product set or even example bug to point to? I've never had an issue getting critical security fixes out of Cisco or Arista or Aruba, and given the fact you've completely ignored my question with more vague insinuations I'll assume you're making it up as you go.



Etc. Not a mention of features or bug fixes. It's all about price.

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