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To add a little color and for clarity:

Some google links (notably shopping links for products) don't just point at a google-owned redirect (presumably for ad tracking/payment calculation?), they also change the link target on click (?!?evil!?!). There are redirect-removal addons which re-write the original URL correctly, but the on-click handlers mangle the target of the link if the event is not blocked.

>> There are redirect-removal addons which re-write the original URL correctly, but the on-click handlers mangle the target of the link if the event is not blocked.

On-click event handlers should never have been allowed. Hijacking the browser UI is never in the users interest.

I was going to upvote you, but unfortunately it required an on-click event handler.

Except that's not true at all. HN works with javascript entirely disabled, and the upvote buttons become actual links.

Just tried it and that is true. I take it back.

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