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dear admins,

this guy is baiting me

dear readers,

that is what gaslighting looks like

this guy wasn't even around yet when whaops was hacked by dime. that's how new he is. i've been chatting with dime and he confirmed his friend didn't "help him code" anything

"null" here is slandering me over a personal beef spanning 15 years, and on reddit he was doing it in conjunction with xyrix and/or virus - due to the same 15+ year personal beef i have with that whole crew - or they have with me, rather. they follow me around the internet and attack like hyenas when i write or do anything public facing. these dudes are factually obsessed with me and i'm still not entirely sure why. it's flattering at least

null, you're not an authority on some shit you weren't even around for. calling me a groupie spectator to aol hacking, or to imply i didn't surf lan and wreck 500 - 1,000+ ints throughout my ao-career. you're out of your mind. nobody actually in the know would make the claim that pad wasn't deeply involved in ao-hacking. i was there in 1997 loading up punters for aol 2.5 - whereas you didn't come around until 2004. an authority. ha

as far as what's written about me - none of it was planted, or because i was caught for ridiculous bullshit like bothering celebrities and people with lexnex xs

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