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I've been looking for something like this but as a desktop photo backup app with cloud option. With two young kids I have tons of pictures and videos to wade through and its just not cost effective to store it all on the cloud when 2TB drives cost $100. But it is _such_ a pain for my wife and I when we consolidate pics from our various devices and then do a backup to multiple USB drives. And its just going to get worse over time.

What I would love is an app that would analyze my library, eliminate exact dups, and backup automatically to each drive when I plug them in. Kind of like iPhone sync but from devices->comp->external storage. Super Bonus Points if it can auto-level pics.

But the biggest time sink is winnowing down the raw photos to a best-of list suitable to upload to an online photo sharing site. Usually we take 4 or 5 pics that are all about the same and then have to go through each 'group' and pick the best. Having so many usually means we just skip it and store them all for later. But that's really just delaying the pain, someday when we want to show them off its really gonna hurt. Its generally more important to me to get an OK pic that conveys the idea of the 'memory' rather than spending the extra time to pick the absolutely best shot.

Fancy algo's to the rescue?

Actually, even very dumb algorithms totally destroy the problem you describe in your third paragraph.

Even if all you do is organize by date and show the first few photos for each day ("featured" photos), that's enough to vary the stream of photos people browse through.

I speak from experience, as someone who runs a photo-sharing site that organizes by date. I also make it easy to switch between featured/non-featured for any photo, but doing such switching is not a prerequisite. You already have a nicely varied collection just by uploading.

From what I've seen of Snapjoy so far, their format also guarantees variety. I haven't seen the fancy algorithms in action yet, but I imagine there are techniques one could use to make the initial set of "featured" photos more likely to be varied.

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