There are services you can use which will negotiate the rate back down to the neighborhood of what the insurer pays. They won't negotiate with you specifically, you have to retain one of these services to negotiate on your behalf. They have direct access to usual and customary charges insurers pay per region.
Was in a similar situation as you were, but unfortunately, what I'd have had to pay was still too much as it was clearly fraud on the part of an outpatient clinic - one side, the clinic, was approved by my insurer, the other side, the surgery center, was not, and they willfully lied about this distinction. I threatened a law suit and they demurred.
Was in a similar situation as you were, but unfortunately, what I'd have had to pay was still too much as it was clearly fraud on the part of an outpatient clinic - one side, the clinic, was approved by my insurer, the other side, the surgery center, was not, and they willfully lied about this distinction. I threatened a law suit and they demurred.