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I not only disagree, I genuinely believe this doesn't not belong here. I have downvoted and flagged because I believe that kind of comment to be inappropriate on HN.

Not all poor people are poor because they are somehow incapable, undeserving, or somehow unfit to live. Sometimes people are caught in circumstances beyond their control, and they are unable to get out of it. Not to understand that shows a breathtaking arrogance.

Who are you, who are we, to decide who has the right to live? Who are you, who are we to decide who should have rights and who should be deprived of them?

If my business collapsed there's every chance I'd find myself behind on the mortgage, and if I then was ill for a month or two there'd be the very real risk of being homeless.

Who knows how I would've turned out had I been in the situation these people endure?

I condemn the violence unreservedly and unhesitatingly, but that doesn't mean I don't have sympathy with the situations of people who are caught in the poverty trap.

That's a pretty good counterargument.

OK, you've changed my mind, let's not kill the poor.

Did your account get hacked? This doesn't seem much like you.

Actually, as a (just as absurd) heuristic I think the world would be much better off if we killed, say, the 1% richest people every year. We'd lose some people up there with genuine net contribution to mankind, but for the most part we'd get rid of thieves and thugs. The problem with mankind is not lack of good and brilliant folks, but excess of white collar thieves and thugs.

Not that I would propose this seriously. Just seems to me less absurd than what you suggested, which is not saying much at all.

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