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Any recommendations? Book list is at http://pragprog.com/titles

I have a copy of http://pragprog.com/book/rdbcd/behind-closed-doors -- it was very helpful while I was managing people for the first time a while ago.

The ANTLR books are the best ones on the topic (as they were written by ANTLR's author).

But honestly, most of the books I've bought from them have been rather disappointing.

Pragmatic Thinking and Learning is a book I think everyone should check out. Beyond that it is mostly technology dependent for what you want.

+1 for Pragmatic Thinking and Learning. A great book from which everyone can benefit in some way, IMHO.

Some of the best books in the industry. +1 for Thinking and Learning and Behind Closed Doors.

FWIW, here are what I, a low-level (OS/firmware) guy, got this time: https://plus.google.com/116664423478272670997/posts/BYtnWF73...

There are a ton of good books in their store, so a lot of it will depend on what you're interested in and what your level is. I have quite a few books from them and have been happy with every one.

Practices of an Agile Developer is just the right amount of discussion of methodology, project management, and technical practices.. you know, before you get back to just writing code. :)

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